LEDs - A Bright Idea For Park City Property Management
There have been significant developments in light technology over the last few years. We are all familiar with CFLs (compact flourescent lights) and the energy savings that can be found in their use. However there is another type of lighting option making itself available to landlords and property management companies; LED or light-emitting diode. These small and efficient lights can have a big impact for Park City property management in several areas. While the initial cost of an LED is significant when compared to a standard incandescent bulb the costs of LEDs are continual dropping through improvements in manufacturing. Lets take a look at potential savings.
Energy Savings
A typical incandescent light bulb that you might find in a rental property would be a 60
watt bulb. On a side note a "watt" is a measure of energy usage over time, specifically joules per second. So while an average incandescent bulb is rated at 60 watts an LED bulb of comparable lumens, or brightness, is rated at 12.5 watts. This is nearly an 80% decrease in energy consumption! To calculate a potential savings lets assume that the energy costs for your area are 15 cents/kWh. Over 10 years a single incandescent bulb will cost $197 in electricity alone, assuming an average of 6 hours of use a day. With our energy efficient LED bulbs the electricity cost is $44, again a near 80% decrease in cost! Some property managers may raise the point that electricity is a separately metered expense that a tenant pays. I would counter that thought by saying that installing LEDs is a significant sales pitch that translates into actual dollars saved by tenants. Utility costs are a frequently asked question when it comes time for a tenant to compare rental properties. Having a leg up on the competition when it comes to utility costs is very beneficial for Park City property management.
Maintenance Savings
Imagine not having to change a light bulb for 11 years! No this is not science fiction, this is the reality of LEDs. You average incandescent light is capable of lasting around 1000 hours. LEDs on the other hand have lifespans from 25,000 to 50,000 hours or more. Most current information on LED lifespan indicates that experts really don't know how long the bulbs could last. LEDs don't actually burn out either. The lifespan given for LEDs is measured in the time it takes a bulb to reduce its light output by 30%. This was decided as the point at which an average person would notice a difference and change the bulb. Who exactly can remember how bright a bulb was 11 years ago is beyond me! Also in fluorescent light fixtures an LED does not always require a ballast. This can dramatically cut down on the complexity of the fixture and means you would never be subject to flickering lights, annoying buzzing, and the necessity of replacing a ballast every so often. 
Going Green
Operating a business in as green a manner, whether a Utah property management company or a one property landlord, is beneficial for you, your tenants, and the environment as a whole. As I have shown traditional incandescent bulbs require significantly more energy over the lifespan of the bulb to operate. CLFs also have a reduced energy cost however all fluorescent lights contain mercury and lead, elements that can be very damaging to an individual and the environment and require that bulbs be disposed of at appropriate facilities. LEDs on the other hand do not contain mercury, lead, or other dangerous elements, are almost completely recyclable, last for over a decade and provide efficient lighting for home or business. To find out more about LED lighting you can visit energy.gov or All American LED, a local Utah company specializing in LED lighting.
If you are interested in learning more about Park City property management download our free white page "5 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask Themselves".