8 Questions To Ask Future Tenants In Park City Property Management
Making the wrong decision when it comes to tenants in Park City property management can be one of the worst decisions you will ever make. You have spent a considerable amount of money and time on your investment property and the last thing you want is to get the wrong person in there. Understand that it is very EASY to deny a person from renting your property before they have taken occupancy. But once they are in it can be very HARD to get them out. So in the spirit of saving everyone some headaches here are some great questions to ask future tenants.

- Why Are You Moving? This is the first question you should ask. Is the person new to the area or are they moving up or down market? Or where the kicked out of their previous place? Once when I was interviewing a person for a maintenance position I asked them about their previous job. They proceeded to tell me how stupid everyone was at that place and they couldn't wait to get out of there. Needless to say they didn't get the job. Watch what they say about their landlord, this will give you a clue as to how they will act towards you.
- Have You Ever Been Evicted? For obvious reasons you want to know the answer to this question. This is actually something we ask on our application in a couple of different ways, including disclosure. If they answer yes or hesitate follow up with a few questions about the circumstances.
- Who Will Be Living In The Property? This should include all adults and minors. We require that everyone over the age of 18 have a background check and sign the lease. Minors are listed on the lease as well. This way there are no questions about who is living in the property. Be careful about how you ask questions as you don't want to run into any type of Fair Housing discrimination in Park City property management.
- Do You Have Any Pets? Park City is a very interesting town. While seemingly very pet-friendly there are few condominium communities that will allow tenants to have pets. If your long term rental in Park City is in a community that doesn't allow tenants with pets you need to make sure you don't run afoul of your community rules.
- Where Do You Work? Park City is becoming less of a winter and more of a year round destination. But there is still a busy season and a less busy season. If your prospective tenants have jobs that are only seasonal and nothing lined up for the summer this should be a concern. Always ask for employment information and a supervisor's name and phone number.
- How Long Will You Be In Park City? Again the last thing you want is to settle on a year lease with tenants who will only be around for the ski season. If you are looking for a seasonal rental they are a great option for some people and you will have no trouble finding that for winter. Summer is a different animal though so if you are considering year round leasing in Park City be clear about it with prospective tenants.
- Will You Be Able To Pay On Time? Perhaps you shouldn't phrase this so bluntly but being clear about when rent is due and when it is late is a great way to gauge a prospective tenant's ability to pay. If they balk about the timing then perhaps they are not the right fit for you.
- What Questions Do They Have For You? This is just a general catch all and a good way to see where the prospective tenant's mind is at. You can gain a lot of insight by these types of open-ended questions.
If you would like more information or tips, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.