As an investment property owner myself I very much understand the benefits of knowing how to perform basic property maintenance. It has helped me both in my own home and in my rental property and it can also help for Park City property management.
Whether you decide to use an awesome Park City property manager like myself or want to take a more hands on approach to property management you will want to know as much about a property as you can. And as one of my favorite childhood cartoons G.I. Joe taught me: Knowing is half the battle!
So with that in mind here are a few DIY maintenance tips for Park City property management that can help save you money and give you a better understanding of how to maintain your long term rentals in Park City.
- Garbage Disposals - Did you know that there is a red reset button on the bottom of your garbage disposal? And that there is also a nut on the bottom that you can use to turn the blades inside the disposal and free them when they are stuck? I've known more than a few tenants who seem to think a garbage disposal is the same thing as a garbage can! If you can quickly and easily clear a stopped up garbage disposal, reset the unit and get it unstuck you have saved yourself a costly visit from a plumber. Next time you've got your head under your kitchen sink take a look for the reset button and the nut!
- Toilets - If you've ever peeked in the back tank of your toilet you may have seen a slightly complex series of pipes, valves and floats. But a toilet is really quite simple in its function and all the parts are easily replaced with common hand tools. If you've got a toilet that is not flushing well, runs constantly or has a slow leak these items can all easily be addressed. You've just saved yourself a call to the plumber in Park City property management!
- Paint - As with many types of work performed by a subcontractor the single biggest expense when hiring a painter is labor. So if you can get to know the basics of painting you are only looking at buying supplies, which are relatively inexpensive, and your time. If you are starting with a bare wall that has never been painted before you should use primer first to seal the wall and then paint. It usually takes a couple coats to cover well so don't be surprised if your first coat doesn't look like a Rembrandt!
- HVAC - The best and easiest thing you can do for your HVAC system is to change the filters regularly and keep it clean. What your HVAC system does, either when it is heating or cooling the property is transfer heat. If you have a dirty filter or a bunch of dust in the coils your are inhibiting the flow of air and thus the ability of the system to transfer heat. Keep vents and air returns clear, hose off AC condensers during the spring and summer, and even vacuum around the furnace portion of the system periodically. Your system will work better and last longer in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on trust accounts, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation
I consider myself a fairly handy guy for Park City property management. I've installed sinks, disposals, dishwashers, toilets, and a water heater. I've plumbed basements, ran electrical lines, and low voltage stuff like CAT 5. I've done framing, tile, molding, shower pans, hung doors, drywall and painting. I'm definitely not a professional contractor but I know enough to take care of things around my home and my rental property. And I also know when to call out a professional and how valuable a great vendor can be for a Park City property management operation.
There are several advantages to using a quality vendor for work on your long term rentals in Park City Utah. First they will have special knowledge, tools, and experience that you likely do not have. In all but the most strange occurrences they have seen the problem you have a hundred times and know exactly how to fix it quickly. They also have knowledge within their specialty to recommend parts or upgrades that have real benefit but they are honest enough to tell you when some shiny new doodad just isn't worth the money. Here are just a few ways a great vendor can save you time and money.

- Locksmith: Not only will they be cheaper than replacing all the locks in your property they will also be able to make you as many spares as you need. And for condominium owners who are on a master key system they can make sure your new keys work for this too.
- Electrician: Some of you may not even touch electrical because you worry about getting shocked. And while that is one reason to use an electrician perhaps the biggest reason is the risk of fire from improperly installed electrical wiring.
- Plumbing: Trust me on this one, cutting corners can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, small leaks that cause mold, and even large floods that do thousands in damage. They can also help you trouble shoot problems that have got you stymied.
I could keep going on all the different contractors and how they benefit your Park City property management operation but one key thing I should bring up when it comes to contractors is a warranty. For example if you are installing a piece of equipment it most likely comes with a warranty. However many companies will only warranty their equipment if it was installed by a licensed contractor. And if you ever had problems with the work a contractor did they will come back and remedy the problem. A warranty is worth both the peace of mind, not to mention the money and time it could save if something should occur. And who has the best network of vendors to help you with your rental property? An awesome Park City property management company! If you think about the number of problems you see with your rental and multiply it by 100 you can quickly understand why a competent property management company in Park City will not waste time with inadequate vendors and have the necessary experience to deal with whatever your property can throw at them.
If you would like more information or tips on quality vendors, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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So your previous tenant has moved out and you've already got somebody lined up and ready to move into your long term rentals in Park City. Take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back, you're headed in the right direction when it comes to Park City property management. Now the next step is to hand the keys over to the new tenant and reap the rewards of your efforts right? Well not so fast there Speedy Gonzales. There are some key steps to take at this time that will set your rental up for the new tenants and create a wonderful first impression. 
In Park City property management we have a term call a "make ready". I know, it's a really complicated couple of words right! I'm sure you'll never guess what it means when it comes to property management in Park City Utah. Well enough sarcasm, the concept is pretty straight forward. When an old tenant leaves there should be some time allotted to make your property ready for the new tenant. For some people this could just mean checking to see if the place is clean and hiring some cleaners if it isn't. But there is so much more to a make ready then just the cleanliness of the property. This is the first time since your previous tenant has moved in that you can do a very thorough inspection of the entire property and assess what repairs need to be done. Here are a couple of points to help you out in your make ready.
Use A Checklist
A checklist is a great way to make sure that you put your eyes on everything in the property to assess general condition, damage, and necessity of repair. You can check all the functionality of all the major components of the property like appliances, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fireplace, whatever system you have now is the time to put eyes on it. A good checklist will also include things like carpets, windows and doors, flooring, counters, walls, and other general items. There are many good checklists available online or you can create your own. Just make sure that you use it.
Think Like A Tenant
If you were moving into a new place would you prefer one that had just had the carpets cleaned professionally or had only had a vacuum run over them? Would you like a place that had recently been repainted a neutral color or one that had a color on the walls that might not go with your furniture or sense of style? Would you prefer a place that smelled nice and clean or one that smelled a little lived in? These are things you should think about when completing a make ready. You want to give a great first impression to your new tenant and set them off on the right foot. A property that is clean, in good repair, freshly painted or otherwise well maintained sets an example to a tenant of how a property should be treated in Park City property management.
Hire A Property Manager
If you don't have the time or elbow grease available to get your property ready for new tenants then consider hiring a Park City property management company. They will provide make ready services to your rental property along with many other valuable services that allow you to focus on other more important aspects of your life.
If you would like more information or tips on a make ready, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Working in Park City property management I get a front row seat to watch the change of seasons. I have always felt very connected to nature and the rhythms of the seasons. I truly enjoy seeing the slow change from summer to fall to spring and back to summer. I appreciate the beauty and unique features of each season and I enjoy the various activities that become available with the turn of each month. When you feel that first chill in the air and the smell and dried leaves you know that fall has arrived. And while winter may still be a little ways away it is time to start thinking about what you need to do to winterize your Park City long term rentals. Let's take a look at some of the basics that will get your properties ready for winter.
Heating And Cooling Systems
In my experience HVAC companies are really busy at two different times during the year: the first hot week of summer and the first cold week of fall. The reason for this is that people wait until it gets hot to turn on their air conditioning or cold to turn on their heater. Rather than wait until it is needed you should fire up your heater before it gets cold. This is a great time to do a visual inspection of the unit, replace the air filter and even do some vacuuming around the flame sensors to make sure everything is clean and running smoothly. If you find the unit won't turn on these flame sensors are the first thing to check. Push the small button on each sensor to make sure they are reset and save you having to call an HVAC company. If you have a hydronic system with pumps and a heat exchanger you should make sure there is no air in the lines and the pumps are functioning properly. Heating systems work hard during the cold winter months and the last thing you want in Park City property management is a tenant without heat when the temperature gets below freezing. If there is a window mounted air conditioning unit or swamp cooler it is time to shut them down and clean them up. Any water lines running to these units should be drained and disconnected.
Make sure that any external hose bibs have been disconnected from any hoses. My plumber likes to joke that hose bibs that haven't been disconnected are what keeps him in business. I've heard too many stories of people not doing this and either getting a leak in the winter or finding a problem in the spring. If you have any plumbing lines that are not in a heated area make sure they are properly insulated. If the property will be vacant of any amount of time in the winter make sure the gas or the thermostat doesn't get turned off and or too low. If there are sprinkler lines in your Park City long term rentals make sure the main valve is turned off and have them blown out if possible. A little preventative work in the fall can save a lot of problems, headaches and money come spring time in Park City property management.
Additional Items
If you rent a home make sure the leaves get cleaned up. Check all the rain gutters to make sure they are clear of leaves and dirt as well. If you have heat tape on your roof or gutters make sure it is turned on and functioning properly. Any trees on the property should be cut back from the home to protect against damage from wind or snow loads. These simple steps will help protect your Park City property management investment.
If you would like more information on the winterization, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In Park City property management you will inevitably be confronted with a choice that may not be entirely clear to you. Perhaps you have two tenants who are both interested in your Park City long term rentals. Or maybe there has been an unexpected maintenance item pop up and you have a couple of options for repair. Sometimes in these situations the quick and easy solution also happens to be the right solution. But sometimes the easy way around the problem is not the right way at all. I'd like to share a few instances where doing the right thing first would have saved a lot of time, energy, money and more for the individuals in each situation. As a landlord in Salt Lake City property management you may not have the most flexible schedule or the most time available and when confronted with a choice it is very appealing to take the easy route every time. Let's see how cutting corners can lead to greater problems.

I recently had a tenant provide 30 day notice and we placed the unit on the market. Unfortunately the tenant was a fairly messy person so the place did not show well. My assistant toured the property with a gentleman and he amazingly agreed to rent it despite the condition it was currently in. He was under a time constraint and wanted to move in quickly so I told him we could get the place cleaned and ready in a few days. He said he understood and would be fine with that. When the guy moved in though his tune had drastically changed. Nothing in the condo was acceptable, he wanted it completely re-carpeted and re-painted and he wanted it done yesterday. He was already talking about us paying for a hotel room for him to stay in while the work was done along with refunding this rent for the time he was not living there. FACEPALM! Now I could have tried to work with this guy, make things right and keep him in. But my gut was telling me he would be nothing but problems going forward and it would be better to cut my losses. I politely told him that we simply wouldn't be able to make the repairs within the time frame he required and that I would refund all of his money. He agreed and we thankfully parted ways. We were able to spend a little more time getting the property ready, including replacing the carpet, and found a wonderful tenant who is perfect for the place. Doing the right thing first is the way to go in Park City property management.
At a Park City condominium association I manage a property owner came in and asked for some help with his water heater. The unit had gone out and would need to be replaced. Fortunately we have an excellent plumber who charges a very fair rate and does amazing work. My assistant gladly gave him a quote on the work and he lost it. These particular properties have a complex hydronic heating system so a regular water heater won't fit the bill. This gentleman claimed that "I'm an engineer and your plumber is ripping people off!" and told us he would do it himself. I'm not aware of exactly what he did but I am aware of the results. His neighbor informed us one morning that the paramedics had been called to his condo and that he had nearly died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Now how foolish does it seem when you try to save a few bucks and end up nearly killing yourself! If you are going to do something in Park City property management you should do it right the first time.
If you would like more information on doing things right the first time, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Recently I have experience a rash of plumbing-related problems in some of our Park City property management condominiums. For whatever reason when it rains it pours so I thought it might be beneficial for anyone with some Park City long term rentals to know what I've been running into and what steps I've had to take in solving these problems. My very first recommendation is to find yourself a good plumber. They are worth their weight in gold and I feel very fortunate to have one. They will deal honestly with you, charge you a fair price (remember they are in business for themselves too), and help you come up with solutions to tricky and sometimes not easily diagnosed problems. So let's take a look at some recent plumbing problems and solutions from bad to worst. Hopefully these will be helpful to anyone in Salt Lake City property management.

Anyone who has recently replaced a water heater may have noticed that the old pilot light and burner assembly has been replaced with what is referred to as a "sealed combustion chamber" design. I'm not a plumber, a lawyer and I don't work for the government so I have to take it on faith that this new design requirement is somehow better, safer, or more efficient than a traditional water heater. And ultimately my conjecture on the subject doesn't matter because sealed combustion chamber is your only choice. Unfortunately these units come with some inherent design flaws. First they have a ceramic filter that can become clogged with dust, pet dander, you name it. And fatally this filter cannot be removed. The only option is to clean it with compressed air and a vacuum. Depending on the conditions in your rental property this could be a few times a year. Symptoms of a clogged filter are a pilot light or burner that won't stay on. Because the combustion chamber is sealed there can also be problems with excessive heat ruining pilot assemblies which will cause the same problem. The part to replace has thus far been warrantied but the labor necessary to perform the work is not. To date my plumber and I have not found any alternatives to the periodic maintenance of the water heater. Unfortunately for Park City property management a new water heater can also mean more maintenance calls.
A condominium located within a home owners association that I manage has had a recent string of plumbing problems. The issues mostly consisted of the floor drain in the laundry room backing up and the property manager and owner were both convinced it was a building wide problem with the plumbing system. I being the manager of the association already knew that no one else in the building was having any problems but I was willing to have my plumber along with a drain camera operator investigate the problem. My plumber first pulled the trap off from under the sink and it was almost complete clogged with a nearly solid amount of grease. After clearing the immediately visible obstruction the camera operator started to feed his camera in and couldn't go more than a few feet before he ran into another serious grease blockage. He then tried his camera in the drain behind the washer and didn't get much further than the trap before finding more grease blockage. We then went a checked the condo next door in the same locations and found minimal buildup and clean-running drains. Needless to say it was definitely not a building-wide problem. I gave the property manager some enzyme drain cleaner, he instructed the tenants to stop putting grease down the drain, and I recommended water jetting the plumbing. For anyone in Park City property management grease down a drain is a big no.
In a property that I manager for winter season rentals there was a problem with water periodically backing up from the floor drain for the hot water heater. We would clear the line, things would be fine for a little while, and then it would back up again. Finally I ended up having my plumber pull the water heater, cut a hole in the wall and open up a pipe so we could stick a camera down it. We found that the drain pipe had a piece of rebar coming through one side of the pipe and out the other. My plumber eventually had to jack hammer up the bathroom floor, dig down and under the footings to where the rebar had pierced the pipe. He then cut the rebar, fixed the pipe, filled the hole back up and poured some new concrete. Fortunately he had seen this type of thing before, it pays to have a great plumber in Salt Lake City property management!
If you would like more information on solving plumbing problems, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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When a tenant moves out of a long term rental in Park City, a landlord has several tasks to accomplish. Obviously getting a property ready to rent again is at the top of the list. Hopefully you will always have awesome tenants who leave the place better than they found it. However sometimes there may need to be maintenance performed and it may be something that was caused by the tenant and exceeds normal wear and tear. I have previously written about this situation in "Damage Or Wear And Tear? Park City Property Management Info". Today I would like to give landlords some tools for their Utah property management belts that can help move outs become a uniform, simplified process.
A Good Checklist

One of the best tools a landlord can have in their arsenal is a well thought out checklist for the property. A good checklist should be comprehensive in covering things like the condition of walls, floors, plumbing and appliances, as well as mechanical components like hot water heaters, furnaces and water softeners. Items included in the checklist should be grouped in a logical order. Interior components should be listed by room so that you aren't checking a bedroom window upstairs followed by a hot water heater downstairs. You should also test items that have a function to them, such as flushing toilets, running water in a sink and turning lights on and off. This will help you know if there are any items that will need to be addressed before a new tenant moves in and serve as an excellent preventative maintenance program. If exterior components are part of your inspection process they can be listed by the different sides or areas of the property. Having a checklist like this in place will help standardize your inspection of a property after a tenant has left. This document should also allow room for you to write notes about the condition of items contained in the list. Be thorough in your descriptions. "Grease spills and black drip pans" is better than "oven dirty" and will also be supported by the next tool in your bag, taking photos.
Take Photos

These days nearly everyone has a cell phone. Most phones have very high quality cameras that are on par with a basic digital camera. It is very easy to then email a group of photos from the phone to your computer. Take detailed photos of damage, both from far away to provide perspective, and close up to show detail, is a great way for both the landlord and the tenant to account for any conditions present in the property that could exceed reasonable wear and tear. Should the dispute ever have to go to court photographic evidence of damage will strengthen a landlords case that money should have been taken from a security deposit to enact repairs. Keep your digital photos in a file based on the move out date and periodically delete old photos if there is no disputing of charges. Don't be afraid to take a lot of photos, they can easily be deleted later. With a good checklist and photos to back up your findings you will be well on your way to avoiding potential security deposit disputes in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on quality property checklists, security deposit disputes, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Maintenance is a necessity of any Park City property management operation. One type of maintenance that can sometimes be neglected is preventative maintenance. Simple kinds of preventative maintenance or checks can eliminate some costly repairs and save you a lot of money down the road. This is a great landlord help for Park City property management. Today I would like to cover 4 types of preventative maintenance or checks that are very easy to do but if neglected can cause serious problems.
1. Dryer Vents

Many people don't give a second thought to the dryer vent. You stick your clothes in the dryer, turn the machine on and in a little while you've got some nice warm, dry clothes. Dryers can build up a significant amount of heat and a clear vent is necessary to keep the heat at a safe level. Vents can become clogged over time by lint build up, reducing the ability of the dryer to actually dry clothes. This puts a strain on the dryer, causes drying times to double or more, and can become a fire hazard. Sometimes birds or other small animals can build nests in dryer vents. In fact I've even seen a bird build a nest inside the dryer, right on the motor! Adding a cage to the outside of a dryer vent is a great idea for Park City property management.
2. Water Leaks
I have seen a small water leak from the back of a dishwasher that went unnoticed for a time and caused over $8,000 in damage. Take the time to inspect all the plumbing fixtures and components in your property. Check under sinks and look for any staining or warping of the cabinets. Run all the fixtures and put water through all the drains to see if anything shows up. You should also check around the bottom of the hot water heater if it is getting close to replacement time. Depending on your water hardness and mineral content you may only get 10 years before your hot water heater develops a leak. Run the washing machine and dishwasher through a quick wash and drain while checking for leaks under the dishwasher and behind the washing machine. Simple checks like these can catch a leak before it can cause significant damage to your long term rentals in Park City.
3. Air Filters
Of course everyone understands that an air filter helps pull dust, pollen, dander, etc. from the air of a home. This keeps the air clean and fresh, cuts down on allergens and odors. But what many people don't know is that a free-flowing air filter greatly increases the efficiency and service life of furnaces and air conditioners. Clogged air filters reduce the amount of air flow which reduces the system's ability to heat and cool the property. For heaters and clogged air filter creates additional heat in blower motors and heat is the enemy of electric motors, reducing service life and causing premature failure. For an air conditioner the reduced air flow can cause coils to freeze up, particularly at elevations that are commonly seen in Park City property management.
4. Smoke Detectors
Perhaps the most obvious but often overlooked item is testing smoke detectors and replacing batteries. All it takes is a simple push of the test button to make sure the unit will still alarm. Changing the batteries regularly will also ensure you have a working detector should a fire ever happen. If you would like a little more information about fire prevention you can check out my blog post "Fire Safety For Apartments - Park City Property Management".
If you would like more information about preventative maintenance, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Maintenance happens; this is the reality of Park City property management. However there are certain types of situations, which by their nature are emergencies. As a landlord there a few important tips and laws you should know when it comes to emergency property maintenance. I have previously written about basic maintenance laws in my post "Maintenance Laws For Park City Property Management" which you can read here. This post explains some of the laws surrounding basic property maintenance as well as introducing the Fit Premises Act. This is the governing act in Utah property management when it comes to maintenance standards and requirements. If you are involved in Park City property management you should become familiar with the act and the requirements for both landlords and tenants. Today however I would like to deal with first tips and then laws on emergency maintenance.
Setting Expectations
As with many other facets of Park City property management, the initial setting of proper expectations is the first step on the road to an excellent relationship with your tenants. Having a frank conversation about what constitutes an emergency is important. This is also a good time for some self-evaluation of your ability to respond to emergencies as a landlord. If you feel you cannot do so it is probably best for you to hire a property manager. If you are up to the challenge then spell out what is or is not an emergency. Something like a leaking or broken water pipe is definitely an emergency, both for the damage the water can cause and the necessity of shutting of the water for repair. Tenants should be familiar with where the water shut of is and notify you immediately. Gas leaks are also an emergency. Tenants should know to leave the property first and know where the gas meter is. Last summer we had a riding lawn mower strike a gas meter and punch a large hole in the case. Even though it was outside it was necessary to go door to door in the surrounding buildings and have residents open their windows and turn off all potential spark sources. A broken heater would also constitute an emergency depending on the time of year. It may not be a rush repair in July but for Park City property management when we hit negative temperatures on a cold January night it must be taken care of immediately. Obviously fires and floods should be reported to the proper authorities along with the landlord but less obvious things like electrical problems should also be dealt with quickly to avoid creating fires.
Standard Of Habitability

Standard of habitability is a term found in the Fit Premises Act and helps to explain what could be considered an emergency. If the defect in the property violates a standard of habitability and presents a threat to the physical health and safety of a tenant then a corrective period of 3 days is required by law. Things like broken windows, exposed electrical wiring, exterior doors that cannot be locked or secured, improperly flowing or clogged drains and plumbing, along with all of the items listed above would constitute a violation of the standard of habitability. Should a tenant report any of these types of maintenance items you are legally required to correct the deficiency with 3 days of its report. There are also requirements related to a "dangerous condition" which is defined as a condition that poses a substantial risk of the imminent loss of life or substantial physical harm. By law a dangerous conditions must be repaired with 24 hours of its report.
If you would like more information on emergency maintenance laws and tips, or any of our Park City property management services please click on the link below for a free consultation. You will be given valuable information about your property as well as a no-obligation quote on our property management services.
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Preventative maintenance is an important part of Park City property management. A small amount of effort and a few dollars can save you from costly repairs and significant effort down the road. Here are 10 tips that can save you a lot of money, help maintain your property and protect your investment.
- Make sure all exterior surfaces that require paint or stain have an adequate coat on them. Wood decks and trim and cementitious siding can very easily be damaged by water penetration. Make sure these materials have a property coating to ensure a long life. With the significant snow totals you see in Park City property management this can be very important.
- Check the drainage around the property. This is also another consideration given the amount of snow we see. If there are areas where water flows toward the property instead of away consider back filling with dirt or altering the landscaping for proper drainage.
- Check gutters and keep them clear of leaves and other debris. If you have heat tape make sure the heat tape is on and functioning properly. These steps will keep water flowing down the gutters and not into your property.
- Doors should have weather stripping in good repair and any gaps or cracks around windows should be caulked. This will prevent both heat loss and water penetration. Your property will be protected and your tenant's will see a cheaper heating bill.
- If there are trees near the property make sure to keep them properly pruned and if they appear to be leaning or falling over have them taken out. Branches can break windows, root growth can destroy driveways, foundations and sewer lines, and if a tree falls it can cause serious structural damage to your property.
- Check the roof for damaged or missing shingles. Particularly in the fall before serious snow fall begins. It is much easier to make a roof repair on a clear fall day than in the middle of a January snow storm. Ice dams are also a common problem in Park City property management. Make sure your roof sheds snow on the eaves via either slip panels or heat tape. If necessary have problem areas routinely cleared.
- Wood burning fireplaces are somewhat common in Park City property management. Make sure the chimney is cleaned annually or consider switching to a natural gas fireplace. Build up in chimneys presents a substantial fire risk to your property.
- Schedule a tune up for your furnace in the fall and your air conditioning in the spring. Check the exterior condenser and keep it clean and free of plants so that is may function properly. Also check the exhaust of the furnace during your roof inspection. As a part of the lease require your tenants to change the air filter at least quarterly if not monthly.
- If there is a crawl space in your property inspect it periodically for any water leaks or accumulation. If there are any loose electrical wires make sure they are properly secured and do not present a hazard of either electrocution or fire.
- Know how a ground fault interrupter or GFI circuit works and how to test them. A correctly function GFI will prevent electrocution and fires and should regularly be tested.
Regularly scheduled maintenance is the first line of defense against property damage. Many of the items listed here are very easy to do and provide substantial protection against a number of possible problems. As a landlord in Park City property management you have a vested interest in maintaining your property. If you care about the condition of your property and work at maintaining it this will translate into higher rent payments and quality tenants.
If you would like more information about property maintenance or Park City property management please click on the link below for our free consultation. You will be given valuable information about property management along with a no-obligation quote on our services.