DIY Maintenance For Park City Property Management
As an investment property owner myself I very much understand the benefits of knowing how to perform basic property maintenance. It has helped me both in my own home and in my rental property and it can also help for Park City property management.
Whether you decide to use an awesome Park City property manager like myself or want to take a more hands on approach to property management you will want to know as much about a property as you can. And as one of my favorite childhood cartoons G.I. Joe taught me: Knowing is half the battle!
So with that in mind here are a few DIY maintenance tips for Park City property management that can help save you money and give you a better understanding of how to maintain your long term rentals in Park City.
- Garbage Disposals - Did you know that there is a red reset button on the bottom of your garbage disposal? And that there is also a nut on the bottom that you can use to turn the blades inside the disposal and free them when they are stuck? I've known more than a few tenants who seem to think a garbage disposal is the same thing as a garbage can! If you can quickly and easily clear a stopped up garbage disposal, reset the unit and get it unstuck you have saved yourself a costly visit from a plumber. Next time you've got your head under your kitchen sink take a look for the reset button and the nut!
- Toilets - If you've ever peeked in the back tank of your toilet you may have seen a slightly complex series of pipes, valves and floats. But a toilet is really quite simple in its function and all the parts are easily replaced with common hand tools. If you've got a toilet that is not flushing well, runs constantly or has a slow leak these items can all easily be addressed. You've just saved yourself a call to the plumber in Park City property management!
- Paint - As with many types of work performed by a subcontractor the single biggest expense when hiring a painter is labor. So if you can get to know the basics of painting you are only looking at buying supplies, which are relatively inexpensive, and your time. If you are starting with a bare wall that has never been painted before you should use primer first to seal the wall and then paint. It usually takes a couple coats to cover well so don't be surprised if your first coat doesn't look like a Rembrandt!
- HVAC - The best and easiest thing you can do for your HVAC system is to change the filters regularly and keep it clean. What your HVAC system does, either when it is heating or cooling the property is transfer heat. If you have a dirty filter or a bunch of dust in the coils your are inhibiting the flow of air and thus the ability of the system to transfer heat. Keep vents and air returns clear, hose off AC condensers during the spring and summer, and even vacuum around the furnace portion of the system periodically. Your system will work better and last longer in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on trust accounts, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation