To the benefit of everyone fires are not a common occurrence in Park City property management. However uncommon does not mean impossible and these events can occur. I recently had a fire happen in a property I manage and would like to share with you some tips on what to do once a fire has occurred. Fortunately in this situation no one was hurt. Property can be repaired or replace, lives cannot. The worst thing any landlord or tenant could face is the prospect of a loss of life in an event such as this. A good post you might also want to take a look at is "Fire Prevention Tips For Park City Property Management" which you can find my clicking here. After a fire however there are a few things I can recommend to you that will be of benefit.
Health And Safety

The health and safety of yourself, your tenants, and anyone else affected by the fire is the primary concern. Furniture can be purchased again, carpet can be replaced and structures can be rebuilt. You should be concerned about the health and safety of your tenants, even if they are the cause of the fire. Make sure there aren't any further unsafe conditions in the property. If the damage is severe enough the tenant may need to relocate for a time. All the tenant's personal effects and items will need to be secured or removed. Taking care of the human element in this type of disaster should always be number one. The repair process will be lengthy so be prepared and don't expect an overnight result. Work through the situation with your tenant and help where you are able. If you employ a competent Park City property management company they can be invaluable in these situations, particularly if you do not live near the property. They should have knowledge, contacts and experience to help you navigate these difficult circumstances.
Getting all your ducks in a row and all involved parties notified is one of the first big hurdles. Is your Park City long term rental part of a home owners association? If so you should notify the management company and the insurance agent for the association. Utah law has particular requirements as to who pays what and how much in a loss claim like this. You should notify all parties even if they eventually have nothing to do or contribute to the mitigation and repair. Once everyone is on the same page progress can be made towards restoring the property. Some mitigation work should be performed immediately such as removing any standing water and installation of fans and dehumidifiers if there was a fire sprinkler system that suppressed the fire. While a complete repair may take time these initial steps can help keep a bad situation from getting worse.
As a landlord you should always carry insurance and you should always require your renters to carry renter's insurance. The last thing you want to is have an incident like this occur and not be covered. My management contract requires that an owner carry insurance and my lease requires it of a renter, you should do the same. Hopefully you aren't reading this after a fire and kicking yourself for not having done the right thing.
If you would like more information about handling fire damage or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
Recently I have experience a rash of plumbing-related problems in some of our Park City property management condominiums. For whatever reason when it rains it pours so I thought it might be beneficial for anyone with some Park City long term rentals to know what I've been running into and what steps I've had to take in solving these problems. My very first recommendation is to find yourself a good plumber. They are worth their weight in gold and I feel very fortunate to have one. They will deal honestly with you, charge you a fair price (remember they are in business for themselves too), and help you come up with solutions to tricky and sometimes not easily diagnosed problems. So let's take a look at some recent plumbing problems and solutions from bad to worst. Hopefully these will be helpful to anyone in Salt Lake City property management.

Anyone who has recently replaced a water heater may have noticed that the old pilot light and burner assembly has been replaced with what is referred to as a "sealed combustion chamber" design. I'm not a plumber, a lawyer and I don't work for the government so I have to take it on faith that this new design requirement is somehow better, safer, or more efficient than a traditional water heater. And ultimately my conjecture on the subject doesn't matter because sealed combustion chamber is your only choice. Unfortunately these units come with some inherent design flaws. First they have a ceramic filter that can become clogged with dust, pet dander, you name it. And fatally this filter cannot be removed. The only option is to clean it with compressed air and a vacuum. Depending on the conditions in your rental property this could be a few times a year. Symptoms of a clogged filter are a pilot light or burner that won't stay on. Because the combustion chamber is sealed there can also be problems with excessive heat ruining pilot assemblies which will cause the same problem. The part to replace has thus far been warrantied but the labor necessary to perform the work is not. To date my plumber and I have not found any alternatives to the periodic maintenance of the water heater. Unfortunately for Park City property management a new water heater can also mean more maintenance calls.
A condominium located within a home owners association that I manage has had a recent string of plumbing problems. The issues mostly consisted of the floor drain in the laundry room backing up and the property manager and owner were both convinced it was a building wide problem with the plumbing system. I being the manager of the association already knew that no one else in the building was having any problems but I was willing to have my plumber along with a drain camera operator investigate the problem. My plumber first pulled the trap off from under the sink and it was almost complete clogged with a nearly solid amount of grease. After clearing the immediately visible obstruction the camera operator started to feed his camera in and couldn't go more than a few feet before he ran into another serious grease blockage. He then tried his camera in the drain behind the washer and didn't get much further than the trap before finding more grease blockage. We then went a checked the condo next door in the same locations and found minimal buildup and clean-running drains. Needless to say it was definitely not a building-wide problem. I gave the property manager some enzyme drain cleaner, he instructed the tenants to stop putting grease down the drain, and I recommended water jetting the plumbing. For anyone in Park City property management grease down a drain is a big no.
In a property that I manager for winter season rentals there was a problem with water periodically backing up from the floor drain for the hot water heater. We would clear the line, things would be fine for a little while, and then it would back up again. Finally I ended up having my plumber pull the water heater, cut a hole in the wall and open up a pipe so we could stick a camera down it. We found that the drain pipe had a piece of rebar coming through one side of the pipe and out the other. My plumber eventually had to jack hammer up the bathroom floor, dig down and under the footings to where the rebar had pierced the pipe. He then cut the rebar, fixed the pipe, filled the hole back up and poured some new concrete. Fortunately he had seen this type of thing before, it pays to have a great plumber in Salt Lake City property management!
If you would like more information on solving plumbing problems, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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For someone like myself who was raised in the age of Surgeon General's warnings, anti-tobacco campaigns, and restrictions on advertising by cigarette companies it is somewhat of a no brainer that smoking is bad. However some people choose to smoke and some of them are tenants looking for a place to rent. It is therefore important for anyone involved in Park City property management to know the rules and laws regarding smoking in the state of Utah, as well as the possible cost of allowing smoking in a property. First I would like to focus on the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act and how it affects Park City property management. I will then look at the possible costs associated with, where permissible by law, allowing smoking in a property.
Utah Indoor Clean Air Act

Going into effect on January 1st, 1995 the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act (UICAA) was designed to protect Utahans and those visiting the state from the harmful effects of second hand smoke. It bans smoking in most public places as well as a long list of private businesses such as bars, clubs, hotels, motels, offices, restaurants, theaters, shopping malls, grocery stores, sports facilities, etc. I'm sure we are all aware of the dangers of second hand smoke but I feel it is worthwhile to point out that a 2006 report by the Surgeon General found that "second hand smoke is toxic and poisonous" and "there is no risk-free level of second hand smoke exposure". If you would like to read the full text of the report, including a list of all the harmful and cancer-causing chemicals found in second hand smoke, you can click here. Other important components of the UICAA are contained in amendments relating to condominiums and apartments. The first grants authority to condominium associations to restrict smoking in units and common areas. The second important amendment states that any smoke drifting from one condominium to another is considered a nuisance under law. I covered nuisance in a previous post titled "Nuisance! Definition And Info For Park City Property Management", if you would like more information you can click here.
Damage And Repair
If, after taking a look at the UICAA laws, you find you are still able to rent a property to someone who smokes, and if you WANT to rent to someone who smokes you need to take a serious look at the potential expense you would incure trying to make a property rentable once a smoker has moved out. Let me share a story of a landlord whose condo was smoked in unbeknownst to him and against the rules of the condominium association where the property was located. After having the condo professionally cleaned, all the flooring and carpets cleaned, walls and cabinet faces scrubbed and every wall and ceiling in the property repainted the place STILL smelled like an ashtray. All of the duct work had to be cleaned out, furnace filter changed and another coat of paint on the ceiling before the smell was MOSTLY taken care of. It still took several months of a new tenant living in the property before the smell was completely gone. If the owner were to bill for their time taken to fix the problem and not just materials and outside vendor bills the cost to remediate the smoking damage was significantly more than the deposit. And this was all from one heavy smoker who lived in a property for a year. Once potential costs like this are factored in, not to mention the added potential for house fires that smoking brings, it is easy to see that allowing smoking may get your property rented a little quicker in some circumstances but in the long run the costs definitely outweigh the benefits. The state of Utah has great resources for those involved in Park City property management, for more information you can click here.
If you would like more information about nuisance law, smoking damage and remediation or Park City property management services click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific for your property and a no-obligation quote of our services.
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Fire prevention is something that everyone is concerned about but perhaps we don't take all the steps we can to avoid a fire. A single fire can cause from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, not to mention the potential for loss of life. Today I would like to discuss some statistics on residential fires in the United States and some useful prevention methods that can be applied to Park City property management.
Fire In The United States
First let's dive into the statistics then talk about prevention for Park City property management.
- In the year 2011 there were 370,000 home structure fires that U.S. fire departments responded to. "Home" is classified as a dwelling, duplex, apartment, townhouse or manufactured home.
- These fires caused 13,910 injuries, 2,520 deaths, and $6.9 billion in damage.
- Cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the U.S. and the kitchen is the origin point for 42% of fires and 37% of injuries. Home fires also peak between the hours of 5:00 and 8:00 pm, dinner time for most people.
- While only 7% of fires started in the bedroom, and 4% started in the living room, family room or den these fires 25% and 24% of home fire deaths respectively.
- Smoking is the leading cause of home fire deaths.
- 62% of home fire deaths resulted from homes with either no smoke alarms or smoke alarms that are not working.
This may be a lot to digest so let's focus on a few of the high points. While fire related deaths have generally declined the cost of repair may continue to rise. Fire damage can be a significant expense even if the majority of a property is not damaged. The kitchen is the most dangerous place for a fire to start due to cooking. Replacing appliances, cabinets, walls and flooring, not to mention smoke damage, can happen in even the smallest of kitchen fires. Even while cooking may be the leading cause of fires smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths. Working smoke detectors are the best way to prevent significant fire damage.

Fire Prevention
For Park City property management a tenant plays a large role in the prevention of a fire. This can unfortunately leave a landlord in a less than secure position. There are some steps that a landlord can take to reduce their exposure and maximize the chance for a tenant to make the right decision.
- As mentioned above a working smoke detector is the best step in preventing a significant loss from a structure fire. Check detectors annually and replace the batteries. If it has been a while since you've checked your detectors consider replacing them entirely.
- Place a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and make sure the tenants are aware of its location.
- Make sure your property is in compliance with local fire codes. You can contact your local fire department to schedule an inspector. They will help you determine potential fire hazards and make recommendations on fixing the problem.
- Provide tenants with information from the National Fire Protection Association.
All of the statistics used in this blog can be found on the Nation Fire Protection Associations website, You can go directly to the statistics page by clicking here. This website has a wealth of statistics and information that will help any Park City property management participant get educated on fire prevention.
If you would like more information about Park City property management download our free white page "5 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask Themselves".
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In a previous article titled "Stigmatized Property - Info From Property Management Park City Utah" I wrote briefly about the idea of a stigmatized property and that contamination through drug use or manufacture, including methamphetamine or meth, puts certain requirements on the owner or landlord of a property. For the full text of that post you can click here. Today I would like to talk a little more about meth in particular and some of the laws regarding Utah property management. This is of course not designed to be any form of legal opinion. I am not an attorney and if you require further information for your Park City property management needs you should consult with an attorney licensed in the state of Utah.

Meth is a highly addictive, man-made substance that has been around for several decades. It can be made or "cooked" in small laboratories from household chemicals. These chemicals are dangerous to the environment and people in general. Meth can be introduced to the body by injection, ingestion, smoking or snorting. The two most common methods are injection and smoking, with smoking being the most damaging to a property. Fortunately for most property owners and landlords the cooking of meth has been in decline in Utah over the last decade. Meth use however continues to rise. The production of meth involves toxic and flammable chemicals that can leave a significant residue in a property where meth is produced. Smoking meth in a property also produces this residue on walls, ceilings, floors, ventilation ducts, essentially every place it contacts. If you have reason to believe meth is being used or cooked in a property you manage you can have the property professionally tested. You can find a list of state approved testing companies here.

Once meth has been discovered in a property a complete decontamination must take place. It is necessary in the leasing or sale of a property to disclose meth contamination. If there has been police action along with the property being identified as a meth lab, or if the property tests positive for meth decontamination is required. The rules and procedures for decontamination are lengthy. There is a state wide standard known as State Rule 392-600. This rule serves as the basis for all meth decontamination in the state. Local health departments also have a say in any additional procedures required for meth decontamination so check with your local health department as well. Decontamination can be carried out by a specialist or the owner of record for the property. If an owner undertakes decontamination they must follow all the state rules including conducting an assessment, submitting a work plan, following all required procedures for decontamination and disposal of material, and confirm that any remaining meth traces are below the standard set in State Rule 392-600. If you would like to read the full text of the rule you can do so here.
Help For Landlords
The Utah Department of Health has produced a useful FAQ sheet for landlords that offers brief explanations of what methamphetamine is, the responsibilities of a landlord, a checklist detailing potential signs of meth use or production, methods of testing for meth, and information about State Rule 392-600. You can find this helpful FAQ sheet by clicking here. As I stated earlier landlords are fortunate that the rate of meth production has declined steadily over the last decade. Meth use continues to rise and does pose a potential for property damage depending on the amount used by a tenant as well as the method. Property owners who are involved in Park City property management should call local law enforcement if they suspect their tenants are using or producing methamphetamine.
If you are interested in learning more about property management Park City Utah, download our free white page "5 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask Themselves".
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When it comes time for a property to be returned to a rentable condition after a tenant leaves there are several points you should be aware of. In a previous blog post, Park City Property Management - 3 Key Time Periods For Lease End, I covered some of the main points. In this post I would like to deal specifically with the idea of damage versus wear and tear, particularly when it applies to determining the amount of deposit to refund to a tenant.
Let me preface these definitions by first saying that I am not an attorney and this should not
be construed as legal advice. The purpose of this blog is to point you in the right direction if you have questions and provide some basic information. If you need further information I suggest you contact an attorney who specializes in Utah property management. Perhaps the most concise definition of "wear and tear" is unavoidable deterioration resulting from normal use. The idea of normal use is somewhat expounded upon in the Utah Fit Premises Act with ideas like reasonable and "in the manner for which it was designed" highlighting the correct care of a property and terms like "negligently destroy" defining the incorrect care. Damage, as you may already understand, is something that did not arise from the normal use of a property. Part of being a responsible tenant is notifying your landlord in writing if there is a necessary repair. I discussed this in more detail in Tenant Tips - 4 Tips From A Park City Property Management Company.
I think that providing a few examples of damage versus wear and tear will help to establish a base line for determining things on their own. It is impossible to cover every situation and terms like "reasonable" and "negligent" can be very subjective. This list is not meant to be exhaustive but rather to help establish an idea of what constitutes both concepts so the reader can make a more informed judgment going forward. With that in mind lets begin. A
loose or sticky door handle, or a handle that falls off would be considered wear and tear but a broken door handle or door jamb from a forced entry would be considered damage. Carpet that is worn and in need of cleaning would be considered wear and tear while burns, tears, stains, and other similar items would be considered damage. The same could be applied to an linoleum or wood flooring in a property. Scuffing, dull finishes, and fading are wear and tear while gouges and tears would be damage. An oven burner or range element that no longer works would be wear and tear while a missing burner, oven racks, or other parts would be damage. Microwaves quit working, plumbing leaks, faucets drip, and disposal seize up. These items are all wear and tear. Missing microwave trays, repeatedly clogged drains, broken faucets, and a fork in the garbage disposal could all be considered damage. Cracks in walls due to settling along with faded, cracked or chipped paint is standard wear and tear while holes in walls from paintings and pictures that are not properly patched, sheet rock damage caused during moving, and an unauthorized paint color applied by a tenant would all be reasonably considered damage.
I could continue on with many more damage versus wear and tear examples but I think we all get the picture. Best practices for landlords and tenants is to always perform a walk through when moving in and use a form that spells out landlord and tenant responsibilities and allows a tenant to make note of any items or conditions in the property that are present at move in. If you encounter a situation that is perhaps not as clear as the ones listed above communicate with your tenant and work towards a reasonable compromise for all parties.
If you are interested in learning more about Park City property management download our free white page "5 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask Themselves".