Live By A Hero - Park City Property Management
By now, if you watch the news, you have heard of Charles Ramsey, the neighbor of kidnapping victims Amanda Berry, Georgina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight. Ramsey heroically rescued the women by kicking in their door and calling 911 after hearing cries for help from Berry. There are a few things everyone can learn from this situation that I think can benifit both landlords and tenants in Park City property management.
Judging A Book By Its Cover
When looking for a place to live most people will first look for a location that works for them. Is it close to work, family or friends, shopping, schools, etc. The next thing most people consider is the property itself. Does it have upgraded features or is it newly constructed? What condition are the carpet, paint and appliances in? Are the amenities to the property that I feel are
valuable? But something that people often overlook is the quality of the neighbors in the area which you are looking at. Take Charles Ramsey for instance. He doesn't live in the most luxurious neighborhood and isn't wearing a tuxedo for his television interview but when Ramsey was needed the most he was there. It takes a certain amount of courage and thoughtfulness to respond to a woman's cry for help, kick down the front door, and call the police. When a person was in trouble Ramsey was there to help and, despite appearances, would make a great neighbor for any of us to live by. You should strongly consider the caliber of people you live by when looking into Park City property management.
Doing Your Homework
How many of you, when looking at renting or buying a property, have knocked on the doors of your potential neighbors to see who they are and what the community is like? Probably very few. And yet how many problems in a community arise from disputes or disagreements between neighbors. If you are going to be spending any decent amount of time in a residence
you should make a effort to get to know your neighbors before committing to a property. If you are interested in a place take some time, preferably in the evening when most people are home, to knock on the doors of your potential neighbors and ask them about the community. Do they like their neighbors? Is it there much crime in the neighborhood? If you have children are there other children of similar age in the area? If your neighbors have children you can ask about the school district and their thoughts on the teachers. Have there been disputes between neighbors in the past and if so what were the disputes about? Is it a quiet neighborhood? What about people nearby who smoke, are there any dangerous animals being kept, is the street the property sites on normally busy or quiet? Whatever issues are important to you when deciding where to live are great sources of questions to ask your potential neighbors. You may find that while the neighborhood is well maintained and upscale the neighbors are unfriendly or just plain rude. Or, while it may not be the nicest neighborhood, you could be lucky enough to live next to a Charles Ramsey.
There are many things to consider when renting or buying a property. Park City property management is a great resource for helping you think about the questions you should ask and guiding you to getting the answers. Feel out your potential neighbors when looking to move and don't judge a book by its cover, you could end up living next to a hero.
If you are interested in learning more about property management Park City Utah, download our free white page "5 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask Themselves".
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