Fire Safety For Apartments - Park City Property Management
As a property manager who takes care of Park City Utah apartments, condos or houses you probably understand the importance of fire safety. Condominiums and apartments can present special challenges to Park City property management landlords that you would not find in your average single family home rental. With many tenants living in close proximity to one another it is important that the potential for fire be reduced and any fire systems in the building be properly maintained. If you would like to information on fire statics in the United States take a look at my post "Fire Prevention Tips For Park City Property Management" by clicking here. Today I would like to talk a little more about apartment or condominium specific concerns for property management in Park City Utah.
Smoke Detectors

The first and most easily managed line of defense is a working smoke detector. For all of the properties we manage we perform an annual preventative maintenance that, among other things, includes changing batteries in smoke detectors. This is cheap insurance against a fire and is something even novice property owners can accomplish. There are even smoke detectors available on the market that have a built-in battery guaranteed to last 10 years. They are simple to swap in and test to make sure they are working. For Park City property management this is the first simple step that all landlords should take.
Fire Extinguishers
Your tenants probably have pots and pans for cooking, scented candles to set the mood and maybe even electric space heaters to keep themselves warm at night. And for all these potential sources for a fire did they also bring with them a fire extinguisher? Don't wait around, buy a couple and put them in your property. Most fires occur in the kitchen and are usually caused by cooking. Having a fire extinguisher within easy reach in your Park City rental property is a great way to keep small fires from becoming large ones. If you already have an extinguisher in the property check the date on it. Extinguishers have a useful shelf life and for as little as they cost to replace it is worth it to buy a new one if your current units are expired.
Larger Property Systems
Is your rental property part of condominium building or home owners association? Specifically is it in a multi-story building surrounded by other similar condominiums? Chances are there is also a building fire suppression system in your property as well. This most likely consists of heat sensitive sprinkler heads pressurized with glycol, air horns and strobe lights, as well as a central panel and outside monitoring of the system. If anything can be relayed to your tenants regarding these systems it would be to never touch them. I had a tenant who thought it was okay to hang some clothes from a sprinkler head. This quickly resulted in a shower for the tenant and a small flood in the property. Contrary to what you see in movies only the sprinkler head near the heat source will go off. However the will continue to go off until water is shut off to the system. This is why it is important that they never be tampered with. Horns and strobes that have been tampered with can also result in an alarm sent to the monitoring company who will then dispatch the fire department. Firefighters have better things to do than respond to false alarms caused by unwitting tenants.
If you would like more information about making your property fire safe, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you maximize your investment. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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