The Yin and Yang of Tenants - Park City Property Management
In my experience in Park City property management handling over 100 Park City long term rentals as well as a very large home owners association I have encountered many different types of people. I sometimes joke that there is never a dull moment when it comes to Salt Lake City property management. It seems as there is an inexhaustible supply of interesting people who have specific quirks that keep me and my staff on their toes. I have also found that in some ways many tenants will fit into a few categories when it comes to certain behaviors. I like to refer to this as the yin and yang of tenant behavior. Let's take a look at a few of these behaviors and how they keep life in property management Salt Lake City interesting.
Loud and Quiet
Obviously there are loud tenants, like a group of college kids who play Xbox until 4 am and throw loud parties on the weekend. And there are quiet tenants, like a retired couple who enjoy growing bonsai trees. But to me loud and quiet goes deeper than this.
It often seems like I hear from the same tenants regularly. It isn't necessarily about the same issue either. My experience has been that some people are just more vocal and interactive when it comes to the community where the live and in particular the landlord for their property. Some people are more willing to reach out to their landlord regarding the property while some people accept certain conditions, are reluctant to bother their landlord or are generally easier going when it comes to situations that can occur in multi-family housing. I've even had a tenant admit to me they didn't want to call our office because they thought we might raise the rent on them. In Park City property management there are tenants you hear and tenants you don't hear.
Fixers and Non-Fixers
I've had this happen more than a few times. A new tenant moves into a property and the volume of maintenance requests suddenly spikes. The previous tenant had been in there for years and never called for anything. But the new tenant seems to regularly have a laundry list of items that need repair. Generally speaking it isn't that the new tenant is being harder on the place, although this does happen. It is a classic example of a non-fixer replacing a fixer. If I could lump myself into a category it would be a fixer. I honestly like digging into something, finding the problem, making a repair and putting things back together. It's probably some primal urge passed down from my arrowhead-making forbearers or perhaps I just like to keep my man card valid. But when a non-fixer replaces a fixer get ready for some maintenance requests. I've had more than a few property owners utter "Why is the new tenant breaking everything?" This is when the find out about fixers and non-fixers. There is also a sub category of fixer that can be very problematic; the fixer who doesn't know what they are doing. These fixers end up cause more damage than they solve and plumbers, electricians and appliance repair companies in Park City property management love them!
Open and Closed
These tenants are somewhat related to quiet and loud tenants but have a particular twist. I often discover who is open or closed when it comes time for someone to enter the property. Some tenants may call up with a maintenance request and tell you that you can go in whenever it is convenient; their main concern is that the work is completed. Some tenants however want everything scheduled 24 hours in advance and demand that they be present during the work, not matter how small the job, how long they have lived in the community or how well the know the staff. In particular we find these people out when there are services being performed that require us to enter multiple properties at one time, things like annual fire sprinkler inspections or preventative maintenance. Then it quickly becomes clear who is open and who is closed. Know which type of tenant you have can make things a lot smoother in Salt Lake City property management.
If you would like more information on dealing with different tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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