What an Injured Duck Taught Me About Park City Property Management
About a year and a half ago we received perhaps the most random phone call ever in Park City property management. The woman calling our office had noticed there was an injured duck on the other side of the road from our office. She thought the duck was still alive and that we should do something about it. Now to be clear neither I, nor anyone in our office, have ANY professional experience with injured animals. The road on which the injured duck was found is a public road and not part of the community where our office is located.
Essentially the woman who called wanted something done about the problem but wasn't willing to do anything herself. I agreed to take a look at the poor duck and see what, if anything could be done.
I walked out of my office and across the street. Sure enough there was a duck there. The poor guy was alive but obviously injured. He couldn't really move very well and was in need of some help. There were a few things I learned from handling this very strange situation and I think they can be applied to Salt Lake City property management.
Sometimes you are confronted with a problem that is either new to you or doesn't have a readily apparent solution. This is when the ability to troubleshoot comes in handy. In this case the poor duck was still alive but obviously in need to some attention. My first step was to get a cardboard box and an old towel and gently place the duck in the box and get him off the road. Then the process of figuring out what to do for the duck began. At some point in Park City property management you will come up against a problem or situation where you aren't going to know exactly what you should do or where you should turn. Being able to analyze or troubleshoot the situation and eliminate options that will not solve the problem are a crucial skill. I began first by calling the Division of Wildlife Resources along with doing some searching online. I eventually was lead to a woman who was registered with the state as a person who could care for small wildlife like this poor injured duck. She lived down in Draper so I set out with the duck riding shotgun in his little box in hopes of saving the little guy's life.
Doing Good Doesn't Always Pay
In the back of my mind as this situation developed a few thoughts were going through my mind. Obviously "How did I get into this?" was one thought I had but another equally prevalant thought was that sometimes doing good doesn't pay. Nobody was going to be reimbursing me for my time spent helping this duck. It wasn't a man hour that I could bill to a condominium association or property owner. I didn't create a service order and I didn't track any time or materials. I was simply doing what I thought was the right thing to do in that particular scenario. For Park City long term rentals in Park City property management you may be confronted with a situation that requires action on your part but may not necessarily be something you can bill for or directly recoup your time and effort. But if it is the right thing to do you should give it serious consideration and recognize the positive impact doing good can have on your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Unfortunately the duck passed away while I was stuck in traffic on the freeway. But the memory of this experience has stuck with me along with the things I learned. If you would like more information about Park City property management click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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