Doing Things Right The First Time - Park City Property Management
In Park City property management you will inevitably be confronted with a choice that may not be entirely clear to you. Perhaps you have two tenants who are both interested in your Park City long term rentals. Or maybe there has been an unexpected maintenance item pop up and you have a couple of options for repair. Sometimes in these situations the quick and easy solution also happens to be the right solution. But sometimes the easy way around the problem is not the right way at all. I'd like to share a few instances where doing the right thing first would have saved a lot of time, energy, money and more for the individuals in each situation. As a landlord in Salt Lake City property management you may not have the most flexible schedule or the most time available and when confronted with a choice it is very appealing to take the easy route every time. Let's see how cutting corners can lead to greater problems.

I recently had a tenant provide 30 day notice and we placed the unit on the market. Unfortunately the tenant was a fairly messy person so the place did not show well. My assistant toured the property with a gentleman and he amazingly agreed to rent it despite the condition it was currently in. He was under a time constraint and wanted to move in quickly so I told him we could get the place cleaned and ready in a few days. He said he understood and would be fine with that. When the guy moved in though his tune had drastically changed. Nothing in the condo was acceptable, he wanted it completely re-carpeted and re-painted and he wanted it done yesterday. He was already talking about us paying for a hotel room for him to stay in while the work was done along with refunding this rent for the time he was not living there. FACEPALM! Now I could have tried to work with this guy, make things right and keep him in. But my gut was telling me he would be nothing but problems going forward and it would be better to cut my losses. I politely told him that we simply wouldn't be able to make the repairs within the time frame he required and that I would refund all of his money. He agreed and we thankfully parted ways. We were able to spend a little more time getting the property ready, including replacing the carpet, and found a wonderful tenant who is perfect for the place. Doing the right thing first is the way to go in Park City property management.
At a Park City condominium association I manage a property owner came in and asked for some help with his water heater. The unit had gone out and would need to be replaced. Fortunately we have an excellent plumber who charges a very fair rate and does amazing work. My assistant gladly gave him a quote on the work and he lost it. These particular properties have a complex hydronic heating system so a regular water heater won't fit the bill. This gentleman claimed that "I'm an engineer and your plumber is ripping people off!" and told us he would do it himself. I'm not aware of exactly what he did but I am aware of the results. His neighbor informed us one morning that the paramedics had been called to his condo and that he had nearly died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Now how foolish does it seem when you try to save a few bucks and end up nearly killing yourself! If you are going to do something in Park City property management you should do it right the first time.
If you would like more information on doing things right the first time, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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