Dealing With Loud Tenant Parties In Park City Property Management
Sundance has just ended here in Park City property management and Hollywood can head back to California. In their wake I'm sure there were more than a few wild parties thrown, both at local bars and properties that were rented out during the festival. But it doesn't take a movie star to have a noisy party, regular tenants can have them too. Now there is nothing wrong with the occasional get together, having friends over, birthday parties, etc. But when a party carries on late into the night past quiet hours and is excessively noisy it can invite a host of problems. Damaged property, upset neighbors, police visits, property destruction and littering, and public intoxication and drunk driving are just some of the things that go along with residents throwing crazy parties. So as a Park City property manager how do you handle these things? Let's take a look.
Have Established Rules

You should have a set of house or property rules already in place and your lease should either contain the rules or mention that they are available and the resident must abide by them. For example our lease says "Resident, its guests and other occupants shall comply with all written rules and regulations which shall be considered part of this lease. Such rules and regulations shall be available from Owner and Resident acknowledges receipt of such Rules and Regulations." This way you have made it clear that the rules must be followed by the tenants and their guests too. Anything you can do to protect yourself and eliminate confusion in Park City property management is a good thing.
Document Complaints
If you receive a complaint you should try and get it in writing from the person complaining. Ask them to be specific about date and time, nature of the complaint, etc. This way you have some written evidence in case the problem tenant disputes the claim. Keep these records in a file with the tenant's lease, application, etc. Good record keeping is essential when you are handling long term rentals in Park City.
Send Notices
The first notice I typically send out is essentially a warning. It explains what the complaint is and potential penalties if the issue persists. Make sure you keep a copy of this notice for yourself and either hand deliver it to the tenant or post it in a conspicuous place at the property. If the problem persists the next step in Park City property management is to post a "Comply or Vacate" notice. We use a 3 day notice that requires the tenant comply within the 3 days or we will begin an eviction proceeding. Eviction should truly be your last resort for people who continually flaunt the rules and are unwilling to change. It can be an expensive and drawn out process, particularly if the tenant decides to fight it. As always please remember that while I know a few things about Park City property management I am not an attorney. If you find yourself facing the prospect of evicting a tenant there are many competent attorneys who practice real estate law and a wealth of information available from state agencies.
If you would like more information about handling loud, partying tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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