I consider myself a fairly handy guy for Park City property management. I've installed sinks, disposals, dishwashers, toilets, and a water heater. I've plumbed basements, ran electrical lines, and low voltage stuff like CAT 5. I've done framing, tile, molding, shower pans, hung doors, drywall and painting. I'm definitely not a professional contractor but I know enough to take care of things around my home and my rental property. And I also know when to call out a professional and how valuable a great vendor can be for a Park City property management operation.
There are several advantages to using a quality vendor for work on your long term rentals in Park City Utah. First they will have special knowledge, tools, and experience that you likely do not have. In all but the most strange occurrences they have seen the problem you have a hundred times and know exactly how to fix it quickly. They also have knowledge within their specialty to recommend parts or upgrades that have real benefit but they are honest enough to tell you when some shiny new doodad just isn't worth the money. Here are just a few ways a great vendor can save you time and money.

- Locksmith: Not only will they be cheaper than replacing all the locks in your property they will also be able to make you as many spares as you need. And for condominium owners who are on a master key system they can make sure your new keys work for this too.
- Electrician: Some of you may not even touch electrical because you worry about getting shocked. And while that is one reason to use an electrician perhaps the biggest reason is the risk of fire from improperly installed electrical wiring.
- Plumbing: Trust me on this one, cutting corners can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, small leaks that cause mold, and even large floods that do thousands in damage. They can also help you trouble shoot problems that have got you stymied.
I could keep going on all the different contractors and how they benefit your Park City property management operation but one key thing I should bring up when it comes to contractors is a warranty. For example if you are installing a piece of equipment it most likely comes with a warranty. However many companies will only warranty their equipment if it was installed by a licensed contractor. And if you ever had problems with the work a contractor did they will come back and remedy the problem. A warranty is worth both the peace of mind, not to mention the money and time it could save if something should occur. And who has the best network of vendors to help you with your rental property? An awesome Park City property management company! If you think about the number of problems you see with your rental and multiply it by 100 you can quickly understand why a competent property management company in Park City will not waste time with inadequate vendors and have the necessary experience to deal with whatever your property can throw at them.
If you would like more information or tips on quality vendors, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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So your previous tenant has moved out and you've already got somebody lined up and ready to move into your long term rentals in Park City. Take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back, you're headed in the right direction when it comes to Park City property management. Now the next step is to hand the keys over to the new tenant and reap the rewards of your efforts right? Well not so fast there Speedy Gonzales. There are some key steps to take at this time that will set your rental up for the new tenants and create a wonderful first impression. 
In Park City property management we have a term call a "make ready". I know, it's a really complicated couple of words right! I'm sure you'll never guess what it means when it comes to property management in Park City Utah. Well enough sarcasm, the concept is pretty straight forward. When an old tenant leaves there should be some time allotted to make your property ready for the new tenant. For some people this could just mean checking to see if the place is clean and hiring some cleaners if it isn't. But there is so much more to a make ready then just the cleanliness of the property. This is the first time since your previous tenant has moved in that you can do a very thorough inspection of the entire property and assess what repairs need to be done. Here are a couple of points to help you out in your make ready.
Use A Checklist
A checklist is a great way to make sure that you put your eyes on everything in the property to assess general condition, damage, and necessity of repair. You can check all the functionality of all the major components of the property like appliances, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fireplace, whatever system you have now is the time to put eyes on it. A good checklist will also include things like carpets, windows and doors, flooring, counters, walls, and other general items. There are many good checklists available online or you can create your own. Just make sure that you use it.
Think Like A Tenant
If you were moving into a new place would you prefer one that had just had the carpets cleaned professionally or had only had a vacuum run over them? Would you like a place that had recently been repainted a neutral color or one that had a color on the walls that might not go with your furniture or sense of style? Would you prefer a place that smelled nice and clean or one that smelled a little lived in? These are things you should think about when completing a make ready. You want to give a great first impression to your new tenant and set them off on the right foot. A property that is clean, in good repair, freshly painted or otherwise well maintained sets an example to a tenant of how a property should be treated in Park City property management.
Hire A Property Manager
If you don't have the time or elbow grease available to get your property ready for new tenants then consider hiring a Park City property management company. They will provide make ready services to your rental property along with many other valuable services that allow you to focus on other more important aspects of your life.
If you would like more information or tips on a make ready, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In my previous post "What To Do When Your Tenant Bails In Park City Property Management" I covered a couple of scenarios that involve a tenant moving out before the end of a lease. One of the highest contributing factors to a tenant breaking a lease is the loss of a job. Now not every tenant that losses their job will end up breaking the lease, it really depends on the individual circumstances of the tenant. So let's take a look at a few possible scenarios and some recommendations for those who invest in long term rentals in Park City Utah.
I would say the first determining factor in how you should approach the situation is whether or not your tenant proactively informs you of their job loss and whether or not they offer any potential solutions in this matter. With that in mind here are a few tips you can use.

- Be Empathetic. Most people do not want to lose their job. If you have ever experience job loss it can be a very mentally and emotionally draining experience. Try your best to convey empathy to your tenant about the situation. Let them know you understand it is difficult and that you will, within reason, help them through this.
- Set A Deadline. If your tenant comes to you with a plan to remedy the problem then one of the first things you should do is set a date as to when the problem should be fixed. If the tenant doesn't have a plan then let them know you expect a solution within a certain amount of time. Do not be too generous in establishing a deadline, you may need to move quickly in Park City property management.
- Be Reasonable But Firm. If you are willing to work out some method of repayment with your tenant then you need to be firm in the deadlines you set and the expectations you have for working with your tenant. If it doesn't seem like working with your tenant is a feasible option you should be understanding with your tenant but firm in letting your tenant know that you also have bills to pay and if the tenant is unable to meet their obligations they should relinquish their possession of the property.
- Move Out. If there doesn't seem to be any option or solution for keeping the tenant then a move out is the best option for both parties. You should present this option to the tenant as something that benefits them as well. If you are able to quickly lease the property again the tenant is no longer obligated to pay. Getting a property quickly turned over will also benefit landlords in Park City property management.
- Eviction. Hopefully it will not come to an eviction but if your tenant is unresponsive or disinterested in solving the problem you should act quickly to have them evicted. Even and eviction notice may be sufficient to get a tenant out of a property. You can then start the task to returning the property to a rentable condition and start recouping some of your lost income.
If you would like more information or tips on handling tenant job loss, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
If you haven't experience a tenant bailing on a lease then consider yourself lucky and realize that if you stay in Park City property management long enough it will happen to you. It seems that recently there has been a rash of people requesting to move out before the end of their lease for various reasons. Some have completely understandable problems such as job loss or job transfers or the deteriorating health of a parent as reasons for why they needing to move before the end of the lease. And some don't even give a reason beyond "I want to move." There are several ways to handle these situations and some of it depends on the choices the tenant makes. So take a deep breath and we will get through this together.
The Easy Way

Well let's be honest, a tenant leaving before the lease expires is never an "easy" thing in Park City property management. It requires extra work on the part of you the landlord to find a replacement tenant, get the property into rentable condition, and all the necessities of determining if a tenant is qualified to rent your property. But there are decisions that the tenant makes that can lessen the blow. Ideally the tenant approaches you a month or more ahead of time to let you know they will need to move. The first thing you and the tenant should understand is that the tenant is still responsible for rent up until a new tenant moves in. This can include any time that is required to return the property into rentable condition. You should let the tenant know that if the property is clean and ready for move in when they leave this will lessen the amount of rent the may have to pay. One thing I like to do is ask for a full month of rent even if the current tenant is moving out in the middle of the month. This way you have got the month already covered and you can always reimburse the tenant for a portion of the rent if a new tenant moves in in the same month. If the tenant is a responsible person they will do their best to ease the transition and understand that they signed a legally-binding document and are responsible for fulfilling their end of the agreement.
The Hard Way
Unfortunately some tenants are not responsible people who work to fulfill their part of an agreement. They may bail without any notice or rent payment. At this point the property is subject to laws regarding abandoned premises. I have previously written about this situation in my blog post "Abandoned Premises - Tips And Info For Park City Property Management." Some tenants may leave a note saying they have moved out, some do not. As a landlord you will want to make sure you are aware of what Utah law says regarding this situation and proceed quickly but with caution. Until you can reasonable determine if the tenant has abandoned the property then they are still technically in possession. Perhaps they have gone out of town on an extended trip or some other situation. Make every effort to contact the tenant before you attempt to retake possession. Remember that rent must be 15 days late before abandonment can be considered.
If you would like more information or tips on handling early tenant move outs, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In Park City property management there are good months and there are bad months. It seems as though I may go for a while without having any complaints, maintenance emergencies, and tenant problems. And then everything seems to happen at once and maybe you scratch your head and wonder why you got into this business in the first place! Well here are few tips that I have found will help you get through these difficult times. And I've even put them in a convenient list because we all love lists!
1. Check Out Prospective Tenants

I have a tenant right now that I should have never rented to. They had questionable references but a solid ability to pay. The first red flag came right after they moved in. They said they wouldn't be able to pay on time, not only this month but every month. Then when they did pay they ever paid a full amount. And the latest and greatest from this tenant is that they are moving in a few weeks to California. Part of me is happy to see them go but part of me is kicking myself for ever letting them move in. Make sure you do thorough background and reference checks on all prospective tenants and don't take on any future problems, you'll thank yourself for this. This is a crucial thing for Park City property management.
2. Keep Valid Contact Info For Your Tenants
I can't tell you how many times I have emailed a tenant and had my message bounce back. Or made a phone call to a tenant and received messages like "this number has been disconnected" or "this subscriber does not accept incoming phone calls". And if you get lucky enough to get a voicemail and it either only lists the number so you don't know for sure if you are calling the right person or you get a message saying they "the voicemail box is full". Come on people, get your act together! Lately we have been auditing our information on tenants to make sure we have valid, working contact information and I recommend you do the same. Emergency situations happen in Park City property management and you need to be able to quickly get a hold of your tenants.
3. Have Quality Subcontractors
Let me first say that there is never an opportune time for a water heater to start leaking. But when it is 15 degrees outside and it is a Friday afternoon and the tenant needs to go to work and do the dishes and the laundry is piling up and they have a young baby that needs a bath and well I think you get where I am going with this. A trusted subcontractor can really help you out in a bind, keep your tenants happy and make your life a lot easier. Keep a good list for your Park City property management operation and you will be ready for anything.
4. Know The Law
One quick way to get yourself in trouble is to break the law when it comes to Park City property management. Know about Fair Housing, service or companion animal, property possession, security deposit, and tenant/landlord laws. The last thing you want is to have a legal problem on your hands.
5. Get Some Help
If all this sounds like too much for you to handle then get yourself a professional Park City property management company. For around 10% of gross rents you can have a competent company handle all these aspects of long term rentals in Park City for you. Even if you don't utilize the full services of a property management company consider using trusted vendors for certain repairs that you either can't or don't want to do.
If you would like more information or tips on being a landlord, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
First let me say that good tenants are the lifeblood of Park City property management. They take care of a property, pay rent on time, and are responsible people who respect the relationship that exists between and landlord and a tenant. And if all tenants were this way I wouldn't have much to write about today. Sadly some tenants can be very difficult to deal with. Today I would like to focus especially on tenants who complain or nitpick very small issues in long term rentals in Park City. I'm sure you know the type, they make mountains out of mole hills and demand that every small item be fixed. Things that are acceptable to most people are completely unacceptable to these individuals. Let me share with you an experience I had with this type of person.
On Second Thought...

About a year ago I had an interested person tour a rental property. The current tenant still occupied the property and was in the process of moving out so they place did not show well. The prospective tenant was willing to overlook some of the clutter and I explained to him that we would have the place cleaned and ready for his move in. A few weeks later the old tenant was gone, we had the property and carpets cleaned and maintenance did some touch up work in the property. Unfortunately what I thought would be a regular move in turned out to be anything but. The tenant said the property was completely unacceptable. They found everything wrong they possibly could and started making demands as to what would had to be fixed and when. The straw that finally broke this camel's back was a demand that the carpet be replaced immediately. And by immediately they meant TODAY! I began to get the feeling that with this individual it wouldn't matter what we fixed it would never be good enough. I spoke with the owner of the property and recommended that we refund this person's money on the basis of being unable to meet their timeline for the required repairs. After describing the situation the owner agreed and I happily bid this person a fond farewell. Fortunately I was in a position where the tenant had not moved in and I could cut ties with them quickly and cleanly. But what if you aren't in this situation? Let's take a look at some options for Park City property management.
What To Do.
So if you find yourself dealing with a difficult tenant who seems impossible to satisfy here are a few things you can use as a landlord to help the problem.
- Use a move in/move out sheet. This document is used by the tenant when they move in to make note of any damage or existing conditions in the property. Be clear with the tenant that they will not be charged for any item they make note of on this sheet when they move out. This may help alleviate any concerns the tenant has about being charged for something they didn't do.
- Be firm and clear on what your responsibilities as a landlord are. Park City property management has specific laws regulating what landlords must take care of. Tell the tenant that you are there to fix things that break and take care of emergencies but you are no their person handyman. They toured the property before taking occupancy and they did so willingly. Be polite but firm and make sure they understand what is acceptable and what is excessive.
- Ask them to leave. If push comes to shove you may just want the tenant to leave. Be kind and tell them that you feel like you are unable to meet their requirements and that you are releasing them to find a property more suitable to their needs. If they are as unhappy with the place as they seem to be they will probably be glad to leave.
If you would like more information on dealing with problem tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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As a landlord in Park City property management you have many things to be concerned about. Are rent payments showing up on time? Are your tenants taking care of the property? How much should you be asking for rent? How much longer will my water heater last? These are just a few of the things you probably worry about as a landlord who has long term rentals in Park City. But are you thinking about how safe your rental property is? Here are some basic tips on two big areas of safety: crime and accident prevention. In our modern world with 24 hour news networks in can be difficult to determine if there is actually a rise in both crime and accidents or if we are just simply more aware of these things due to saturation from media. Either way it is a good idea to take a few simple steps towards keeping your investment property and your tenants safe.
Crime Prevention
There are many simple things that you can do to prevent crime in Park City property management. As a minimum and also a requirement of state law you must have working locks on all windows and doors. This is part of the Utah Fit Premises Act which you can read more about by clicking here. If a tenant informs you of a deficient condition regarding locks you should respond quickly to ensure the tenant's property is secured. Another crime prevention method is to make sure exterior lighting is functioning properly or install new motion detector lights on the property. Security systems, when used properly, can be a great tool to deter or prevent crime. There are also more subtle things like planting thorny bushes in front of windows. These bushes serve two great functions, they enhance the beauty of a property and they also deter opportunistic thieves who might try and force their way into a property through the window.
I have even heard of new properties designing moats around the property as a deterrent and visually please piece of design. I'm not saying you need to install a drawbridge but it is interesting to see different crime prevention methods. As a landlord you should also be proactive in reporting any criminal activity to the proper authorities, even if it includes your tenants. Leases that allow for eviction in the event of criminal activity on the part of the tenant are a good idea for Park City property management.
Accident Prevention
So how safe is your property? Are you aware of or have you been notified of any hazards that exist in your rental property? As part of the inspections you perform you should be looking for any potential hazards. Things that could result in a slip and fall or other type of injury should be noted and remedied. Things like water drainage that creates icy sidewalks or stairs, furnaces or fireplaces that are not properly ventilated can also be a significant hazard. Along those same lines having carbon monoxide detectors and working smoke detectors in the property can keep your tenants and property safe from those deadly hazards. What other things have you encountered in Park City property management? Leave your experiences in the comment section.
If you would like more information on making your property more safe, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Today I would like to share a few of my favorite landlord tips that I've learned over the years and found to be very beneficial to anyone working in Park City property management. This is far from an exhaustive list and are really just a few of my favorites. The key to being a good landlord is to somewhat be a jack of all trades.
You need to be a handyman, marketer, investigator, conflict resolution specialist, and above all an honest person. There are many things that go into a successful operation and here are a few that I feel are important.
A Reserve Account
As a property manager who also does Park City HOA management I am very familiar with the concept of reserve accounts. Essentially a reserve account is money set aside in anticipation of future repairs to a property. Along with death and taxes property repair is a sure thing. Obviously you keep a security deposit in the event that a tenant does damage to a property, but are you keeping money in the event that something in the property breaks? Water heaters leak, furnaces break, appliances die, and in general the components of your house only have a certain useful life. I have too often run into a property owner who is caught completely unprepared for an unanticipated expense. I say unanticipated but is a 15 year old water heater developing a leak truly unanticipated? And when something as crucial as a water heater goes there isn't any wiggle room with getting by, performing and band aid repair, or telling the tenant you will "get to it soon". As a property owner you should have an account set aside for repairs and maintenance of your long term rentals in Park City. Establish the account when you purchase the property and make sure to put a little money into it every month. This way when repairs come up you can act swiftly and you will have happy tenants who recognize your willingness to maintain your property and respect the property as well.
Good Tenants
Good tenants are truly invaluable. I have seen all types of tenants in my time with a Park City property management company and I can tell you that some tenants are just not worth the problems they bring. As a smart landlord you should always be thorough in you background checks. You want to make sure you get the right people. Once a tenant has taken occupancy it can be a difficult process to have them removed. But when they are prospects all it takes is a simple no. Do your research and get the right people. And once you have those great tenants make sure you take care of them. Be a responsive, courteous landlord. Some tenants are not comfortable with a landlord entering a property when they are not present, respect this. When you receive a maintenance request respond quickly and thoroughly to the request. From a tenant's point of view they are paying a good amount of money and they expect a landlord to do certain things. If you have a good tenant who happens to have a month when rent is late don't treat them as though they are suddenly a criminal out to rip you off. Speak with them directly and honestly to see what they can pay and when. Use your best judgment in these situations. You should carefully weigh the tenant's proposal against your needs as a landlord and the requirements of the lease agreement.
If you would like more useful landlord tips, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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I'm sure if you've been involved in Park City property management you are familiar with the concept of subletting. Basically subletting occurs when a primary tenant who holds a lease on a property from the landlord leases either the entire property or a portion to a secondary tenant. There are a few reasons why subletting or subleasing is a bad idea. Let's take a look at them.

I recently had a conversation with an associate of mine regarding subletting. A good friend of his lost some money in a subletting scam and it reinforced for me the decision we made to not allow this in our long term rentals in Park City. This individual, we'll call him Bob, was contemplating buying a house in Park City but wanted to first live up here for 6 months before making a significant investment. He searched around and found another guy, we'll call him Jim, who was subletting a room in a house in town. Bob paid a deposit and a portion of rent for the month before he went out of town on a trip. When Bob arrived back from his trip he contacted Jim about moving in. Jim told him that he (Jim) had been evicted from the property by the owner and was no longer living there. Jim was a little fuzzy on where the deposit and the rent went and obviously Bob was upset. Bob was never able to get in contact with Jim again and didn't know where he had lived. He contacted the sheriff's department and reported the money he had paid as stolen. Remarkably Bob was actually able to serve Jim papers for a small claims court suit via social media! Unfortunately Bob is still out his money and a place to live. Not everyone who sublets is out to scam someone but as a property owner you do not want to risk having your property encumbered by something like this. Not allowing subletting in your lease is a good idea for Park City property management.
Who Is Living There?
Another issue that can arise from subletting is a landlord not knowing who is actually living in the property. The lease with the original tenants is still in force and they are probably the ones who are paying you rent every month. But if your lease does not specifically forbid subleasing you could run into all kinds of problems. Maybe an individual with a criminal history is renting a room in your property. You would not know this because you are perhaps unaware of the sublease. As a landlord you are taking the proper steps when finding a tenant to make sure your property is well taken care of. I have written several blog posts about this subject, if you would like more information take a look at "Tenant Screening Tips For Park City Property Management." You do not want someone you have not approved taking up residency in your property. A person with a criminal record is just the tip of the iceberg. Protect yourself by not allowing subleasing.
Perform Inspections
We recently had a tenant come to us asking to get out of their lease early. I was very happy to see them go because the neighbors downstairs had often complained of noise coming from the tenants. The lease indicated there were only two people living the in property so I was surprised by the volume of complaints. When I began touring the property to prospective tenants I found out why there had been complaints. One bedroom had to beds for adults and another had three. These people were clearly in violation of the lease and I was happy to see them go.
If you would like more information on the dangers of subleasing, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Today's blog post is for the property owner who is considering Park City property management to take care of their property. If you already have a management company this can be a good guide for you in assessing if they are the right management company for you to use. I've put together a few questions that summarize things I have learned over the years about what I think it takes to succeed in Park City property management. There are a lot of things that go into handling long term rentals in Park City so really this list could go a lot longer. But I wanted to boil it down to 4 big things that I think are crucial for property owners to know about their prospective management companies.

1. Do They Use A Trust Account?
Does your Park City property management company use a trust account to handle rent payments? Let me explain how it should work and then you can be armed with some knowledge. When a property manager takes in a check or some form of rent payment this money should be deposited into a non-interest bearing account called a trust account. At that point there should only be two types of debits made from that account, one to you the property owner and one to the property manager for their commission and fees. Any bills that a property manager has to pay to operate their business should not come out of this account. If your property manager is deposit rent payments into the same account they are paying their own bills out of this is called commingling of funds and is a big red flag. Make sure your Park City property management company is using a trust account for rental income disbursements and commission and fees only, anything less can lead to trouble.
2. Are Their Documents Prepared By An Attorney?
And I'm talking a real attorney in the state in which they operate, not one with the name "Google" or "Wikipedia". Every state has particular laws and regulations for property managers, tenants, basically everything you can think if related to property management. The lease and addenda used by your property manager should be specific to the state in which the property is located and drafted by an attorney knowledgeable in state law. This will provide the highest level of protection for you and your property. Attorneys that practice in property management are also up to date on changes to state law and keep their clients informed. Hopefully you will never need to utilize all the provisions and protections this type of service can bring but it is nice to know that should something occur you will be well represented.
3. How Do They Market To And Screen Tenants?
What process does your potential Park City property management company use for finding and screening tenants? Quality tenants are the life blood of your operation. Getting and keeping good people in your rental property is the key to long term success. A good property manager will have established and successful methods for finding good tenants, including a positive reputation and good word of mouth. They will also have a standard set of procedures for screening tenants. Putting an ad in the classifieds and taking the first person who can put down a month's rent is not going to cut it.
4. How Do They Handle Emergency Maintenance?
Emergency maintenance, while infrequent, can be a crucial time for a property owner, tenant, and Park City property management company. You want to make sure that your prospective property manager has an established avenue for responding to afterhours or emergency service calls. How quickly they are able to respond can be the difference between a small leak and a large flood. Make sure they have the capability to respond quickly with experienced employees.
If you would like more information about choosing the right property manager, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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