I've written a few posts for Park City property management about tenant screening, most recently "Tenant Screening Tips for Park City Property Management" if you are interested in reading further on the subject. Today I would like to offer up a few things that I have learned about what you should not do when it comes time to find yourself a new tenant. There are all kinds of people in this world and many of them are looking to rent a place. You want to make sure you get somebody who is great and will both protect your investment and be an integral part of your Park City property management operation. Without good tenants we would be in a world of hurt so let's try and find the best!
Don't Put Yourself In A Tight Spot

The last place you want to be is one where you feel like you don't have a choice and must take the first tenant that comes your way. That's not to say that the first tenant won't be great, but you do not want to be desperate to fill your property. Set aside money for your Park City property management operation to weather a few months of vacancy, large repairs, etc. You do not want to be so tight on things that you can't take even a month without a new renter. Sure it is painful to lose money on your investment property during vacancy but you should realize that this will happen from time to time and have some pain tolerance when it comes to these losses. The idea is to think and plan ahead so that you do not fine yourself in a difficult position or feel forced to take on a less-than ideal tenant. Work from a position of strength and you will be much happier with your results.
Don't Wing It
When it comes time to find a new tenant you should have an effective plan in place to deal with vacancy. You should already have a network of contractors and service providers who can take care of whatever work you need to get your property into rentable condition. You should have established channels and methods for marketing your property that have proven themselves effective at finding good tenants. Your application process, including background checks, should also be established and repeatable. If you can't perform the same process then you can't expect the same results. Keep to your plan and take the guess work out of finding a qualified tenant.
Don't Say Something Stupid
Hopefully you know this by now but there are certain things you cannot ask a prospective tenant. You must always deal fairly and equally with any prospect that comes your way. If you need to reject a person there must be a valid reason for doing so, which is another reason why an established application process is so important. The things you can't ask or say to a person are related to fair housing discrimination laws. I have covered this topic before, you can take a further look in "Discrimination Testing - Park City Property Management" or you can look up state and federal laws on the internet. There is a wealth of information and tips available to landlords and unfortunately ignorance is not a defense. Don't get caught saying something that could get you in serious trouble.
If you would like more information on how to find great tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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I know that sometimes I can be a little behind the times and this is one of those instances. Not necessarily in Park City property management but in other things! I just recently read the novel "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell. Yes I know the book was published in 2005, nearly a decade ago, and yes I know it is a great book. I had heard of it when it was originally published and remember it being referenced in different conversations I have had with people but I never got around to reading it until now. "So what does this have to do with Park City property management?" you might ask. Well that is the point of my blog today, so let's dive in.

For those of you unfamiliar with the book Gladwell posits that experts within their respective fields are able to make accurate, relatively uninformed decisions at a glance with a minimum of information. He terms the concept "thin slicing" and gives many examples from experts in various fields that are able to make quick and accurate judgments with limited information. Perhaps you have felt this in your own life, where your first instinct about a situation or decision was the correct one. Gladwell also notes that additional and sometimes exhaustive research is no better at producing a correct decision and can also lead to indecision. He also delves into stereotypes and how they can cause people to make inaccurate judgments. So what does this mean for Park City property management?
There have been instances where I have made both the right and the wrong decision when it comes to accepting a tenant. I can recall specifically some tenants who checked out in every way, had decent credit scores and no red flags on their background check. They had good jobs and were ready to move in when I needed a new tenant. But something about them just seemed a little off. I couldn't put my finger on it and after doing my diligence as a Park City property manager I gave them the okay. Big mistake. They ended up being nightmare tenants, completely unreasonable and even confrontational to deal with. They were rude to their neighbors, didn't take care of the property, and it was a bad experience all around. Fortunately they asked to move out at the end of their lease but the problems did not stop there. The place was a disaster, they were completely unreasonable when it came to tours, after seeing the conditions they lived in no one wanted to rent the place. I eventually gave up tour and waited until they moved out. I should have followed my first instinct to deny them but I unfortunately made the wrong choice. I have also had instances where my first reaction to a prospective tenant was very positive. And despite low credit scores, rough appearance, and less than ideal results on background checks I decided to rent to these tenants and they have been great.
If you are new to Park City property management you should follow all the recommended steps when choosing a tenant and try to make as informed a decision as possible. If you are an old hand when it comes to property management in Park City Utah you should STILL do all those things but ultimately trust your first instincts. If all that sounds a little scary to you then you should hire a Park City property management company!
If you would like more informative tips on making good judgments, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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When it comes to Park City property management there is always more to learn and room to improve. One of my very first posts when I began blogging was "3 Tips For Successful Park City Property Management". As we approach the end of the year I thought I would offer up some additional tips that I feel really help any landlord who is involved in Park City long term rentals. These are some basic tips and by no means meant to be an exhaustive list. They are just a few things that I have found to be beneficial for landlords.
Quality Vendors

I happen to own my one rental property. And I am fairly handy around the house so I often do my own repairs. I recently replaced a dishwasher and before that a new garbage disposal. But everyone will eventually run into a repair or other type of replacement work that they are incapable of completing. Sometimes you just don't know how to fix the problem. Sometimes you do but lack the necessary equipment to do so. And sometimes you are just too busy taking care of things in your own life and don't have time to fix what is going wrong at your rental property. This is where a trusted vendor can save you time, money, and a lot of frustration for you and your tenants. Build a list of contacts for each type of trade you need. This should include plumbing, electrical, HVAC, appliance repair, carpet and flooring installation, windows and doors, and a general handyman if you are not the type of person to make repairs on your own. A good vendor does things right the first time, charges a fair rate and makes you look like an all star with your tenants.
Proper Procedures
At times Park City property management is the coordination of many moving parts in order to produce a superior result. One of the best ways to make sure that you get the right result every time is to have well-thought-out procedures in place for common things like tenant move ins and outs, tenant screening, and maintenance requests. These are things you are likely to encounter in property management and having an already established process for handling these requests takes the guess work out of sometimes complex issues. Things like move in and out forms, leasing applications for tenants, requiring maintenance requests be submitted in writing, list of house or property rules, contact lists, etc. are just some things that can help either avoid problems or solve them quickly.
Hire A Property Manager
Maybe the one thing that is keeping your Park City property management operation from running smoothly is you. Knowing if you have the skills, ability and time to handle a long term rental in Park City is the first step in deciding whether a property manager makes sense. A competent property manager brings with them a host of skills and abilities that the average person does not have. Things like property management laws and regulations, industry and market knowledge, and a professional staff only scratch the surface. A property management company takes the hassle out of managing a property and provides a professional face to your rental operation.
If you would like more information tips on being a landlord, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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I don't want to start this post by tooting my own horn but my vacancy rates are really low. Over the last year I can't recall a single Park City long term rental that has sat vacant for more than a few weeks. Most of the properties I handle in Park City property management are rented again before the current tenant even moves out. So how can you keep your vacancy rates at optimum levels? Well I have a few tips that have worked well for me that I would like to share. I feel that any of these would be beneficial and taken together they will supercharge your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Know The Market Rent
This is one of the first and most obvious steps in keeping your vacancy low. If you are pricing yourself out of your market you will find yourself with a vacant property. Now I'm not suggesting that you price yourself below market just to stay occupied. You can do that if circumstances warrant but ideally you should be competitively priced to maximize your investment. Survey comparable units in the area and take an honest assessment of your property. Are there additional factors that would make your property more or less desirable in Park City property management?
Good Online Ads
The basic one sentence description of your Park City long term rentals really doesn't do much to entice new tenants. Consider beefing up the description by covering all the amenities your property has to offer. Highlight things that would be selling points for your property like a large kitchen or master bedroom. If your property is part of a homeowners association and there are amenities in the property you should list them. Use interesting or descriptive words and you will generate a lot more interest from online customers. Anything you can do to differentiate yourself from your competition in Salt Lake City property management is a good thing.
Sell The Property
When you meet prospective tenants for a tour don't just throw open the door, let the tenants wander about and then call it good. You should walk the prospects through the property, point out any unique selling points and give a little information about the place. There is no need to be a smarmy used car salesman, just highlight the positives. If there are any upgrades you have done point them out. The idea is to help the prospective tenants visualize themselves living there, anything to that end will help your Park City property management business.
Offer Incentives
This is a great way to get people interested in your property. Things like "$200 off first month's rent with immediate move in" not only speak to a value for a potential tenant but also create a sense of urgency, if they don't act now they could lose this place! There are other ways to incentivize a move in too so be creative. Maybe offer a new microwave or TV if that makes more sense for you. If it seems like I'm hammering this same point it is because it is important: look for ways to set yourself apart from your competition in a positive way.
Little things that stand out initially can have a big effect on potential tenants. Things like a beat up or scratched door, a dirty entryway or a poorly maintained front yard can set things off on the wrong foot immediately. Consider simple and easy ways to spruce up the presentation of your property.
Have A Website
There are simple ways to create a basic and professional looking website for your Park City property management operation. Considering the volume of searching that is done online for rental properties I think it pays to have yourself a digital storefront.
Be Responsive
Always return phone calls from prospective tenants in a timely manner. Tenants are the lifeblood of your business so do them a common courtesy by calling them back. Even if your properties are occupied it is a good business practice to return phone calls in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on reducing vacancy, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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About a year and a half ago we received perhaps the most random phone call ever in Park City property management. The woman calling our office had noticed there was an injured duck on the other side of the road from our office. She thought the duck was still alive and that we should do something about it. Now to be clear neither I, nor anyone in our office, have ANY professional experience with injured animals. The road on which the injured duck was found is a public road and not part of the community where our office is located.
Essentially the woman who called wanted something done about the problem but wasn't willing to do anything herself. I agreed to take a look at the poor duck and see what, if anything could be done.
I walked out of my office and across the street. Sure enough there was a duck there. The poor guy was alive but obviously injured. He couldn't really move very well and was in need of some help. There were a few things I learned from handling this very strange situation and I think they can be applied to Salt Lake City property management.
Sometimes you are confronted with a problem that is either new to you or doesn't have a readily apparent solution. This is when the ability to troubleshoot comes in handy. In this case the poor duck was still alive but obviously in need to some attention. My first step was to get a cardboard box and an old towel and gently place the duck in the box and get him off the road. Then the process of figuring out what to do for the duck began. At some point in Park City property management you will come up against a problem or situation where you aren't going to know exactly what you should do or where you should turn. Being able to analyze or troubleshoot the situation and eliminate options that will not solve the problem are a crucial skill. I began first by calling the Division of Wildlife Resources along with doing some searching online. I eventually was lead to a woman who was registered with the state as a person who could care for small wildlife like this poor injured duck. She lived down in Draper so I set out with the duck riding shotgun in his little box in hopes of saving the little guy's life.
Doing Good Doesn't Always Pay
In the back of my mind as this situation developed a few thoughts were going through my mind. Obviously "How did I get into this?" was one thought I had but another equally prevalant thought was that sometimes doing good doesn't pay. Nobody was going to be reimbursing me for my time spent helping this duck. It wasn't a man hour that I could bill to a condominium association or property owner. I didn't create a service order and I didn't track any time or materials. I was simply doing what I thought was the right thing to do in that particular scenario. For Park City long term rentals in Park City property management you may be confronted with a situation that requires action on your part but may not necessarily be something you can bill for or directly recoup your time and effort. But if it is the right thing to do you should give it serious consideration and recognize the positive impact doing good can have on your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Unfortunately the duck passed away while I was stuck in traffic on the freeway. But the memory of this experience has stuck with me along with the things I learned. If you would like more information about Park City property management click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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We live in an increasingly digital world. I myself have found many instances where I would rather search online and purchase an item than deal with the hassle of driving to a few different stores trying to find what I want. Especially if you can find the holy grail of online shopping; free shipping! Park City property management is no different. Many residents living in Park City long term rentals are busy people who are very interested in convenient methods of online payment. There are now many options available to landlords that will help increase the frequency of online payments for property management in Salt Lake City.
Landlord Benefits
Imagine never having to deposit a check at the bank again! Imagine never having to track down your tenant after a bounced check! And then imagine that the rent payment is already automatically posted every month and you don't have to do anything. Brilliant!
For those reasons alone it makes sense for a landlord in Park City property management to get with the times and offer multiple online payment options. There are many avenues to choose from when it comes to online payment. Organizations like the Utah Apartment Association offer online payment applications to members. With our company we have established an online payment portal that is linked to our website. Residents can easily navigate to a login page, and with basic information set up payment via credit or debit card as well as with a routing number and checking account. No more running to the bank to cash checks or worrying about checks bouncing!
Tenant Benefits
No longer will you have to worry about writing a check and putting it in the mail early enough to reach your landlord on time. Or if you've been paying with money order you can cut out the annoying trips to the grocery store to put down some cash and get a money order. I've seen more than a few instances of checks either never arriving in the mail or being sent to the wrong address. Our mail delivery system is far from fool proof and if you can avoid possible problems you should do so. With handy online payment methods you may never leave your
house again! Online payment methods are very simple to set up, usually requiring a name and email address only. They are secure sites where your bank account information is not accessible by anyone but yourself. You can set up automatic payments so you don't have to worry if you are out of town or just a busy person. For me personally this is a big one. I hated having to remember each month to make payments to things like my cell phone or car insurance. And when you miss a payment there are fees, dings on your credit, or even loss of service. Why bother with any of that when you can set up automatic payments and get on with enjoying the rest of your life! It just makes sense for tenants in Park City long term rentals.
If you are either a landlord or a tenant in property management in Salt Lake City I would urger you to take a look at online payment. Time is money and if you can cut down on the time you spend doing unnecessary tasks you can focus on the things that will better your life, financially or otherwise. If you would like more information on multiple payment options, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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For Park City property management roommates are a possible scenario any landlord could face. In fact a recent report by the Insurance Information Institute indicates that "One out of every eight homes in the U.S. is now inhabited by two or more people who are not related to each other—an increase of over 5 percent from 2000 to 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In other words, there has been a significant increase in the number of housemates/roommates, roomers or boarders, and unmarried partners living together." As a landlord you need to be prepared to handle this scenario and make sure your actions are in line with Utah property management law. I have previously written about similar circumstances in my post titled "Who Is On The Lease? Park City Property Management Tips" but today I would like to deal specifically with roommate considerations.
Who Signs The Lease?

This is somewhat of a trick question; you should have every individual who is over the age of 18 residing in the property sign the lease. You should also have a clear policy regarding people visiting the property. For example a landlord can require their pemission be obtained if a person stays in the property for more than 3 consecutive days or 5 days in a month. This can cut down on individuals residing the in the property who are not on the lease. You should also be aware of the term "tenant at will" when it comes to long term rentals in Park City. A tenant at will is essentially someone who is residing in the property without a current lease agreement with the landlord. A roommate who was invited by a tenant named on the lease but without the landlords permission is considered a tenant at will. If the named tenant decides to move out leaving the unnamed tenant behind this can result in a difficult situation for all three parties. If the lease is not expired the named tenant is still responsible, and the landlord and unnamed tenant do not have a lease agreement with one another. Requiring signatures from roommates can alleviate this problem in Park City property management.
Security Deposits
When it comes to roommates there are frequently two or more parties paying rent and two or more parties contributing to a deposit. My recommendation for Park City property management is that you insert language into your lease requiring that the property be completely vacated as one of the conditions for refunding a deposit. The lease I use is structured this way and it has protected me when roommates are parting on less than amicable terms. In previous instances I have instructed roommates to determine between themselves how much the remaining party will be reimbursing the vacating party. This way there is no need on the part of the landlord to perform an inspection (although you may want to), determine damage versus wear and tear, (for more information on that subject read "Damage Or Wear And Tear? Park City Property Management Info" and refund money to the departing tenant. If the tenants are in dispute this language can also protect you legally from being forced to return some of the deposit.
If you would like more information on roommate considerations, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Anyone who has stayed in a hotel room has probably noticed a convenient little book or binder full of information about the room you are staying in, the hotel itself and the surrounding area. These guest information books are placed there for many reasons, one if which is providing any easily accessible source of information for new guests. So how does this apply to Park City property management? Well in many ways a new tenant is like a hotel guest checking in to a hotel room. They are unfamiliar with some of the functions of the property, the location of amenities, and the services and highlights of the area around the property. Providing a similar information book to tenants is a great way to make the move in process easier.
Property Information
Is there anything specific to your property that you would like incoming tenants to know? Things like a garage door code, if you have a hide-a-key or a front door lock with a keypad. Are there existing conditions on the property that require periodic maintenance like mowing the lawn, shoveling sidewalks or keeping gutters free from leaves? Or maybe you have amenities like a hot tub, water softener, gas fireplace or barbeque that are not obvious in their operation or care. For a tenant moving in to a long term rental in Park City these systems can be very unfamiliar. A simple explanation of the property features and how to operate them will make sure the tenants know how to care for the place and it will cut down on the amount of phone calls you receive when someone doesn't know how something operates. Any effort you put towards making move in a smooth transition is a big bonus for Park City property management.
Do you want to speed up the transfer of utilities out of your name and into the tenants? Include the phone numbers for the utility companies in your information book. The new tenants will easily know what utilities they need to take care of and it can cut down on the hassle of following up, receiving bills for the tenant's usage, and generally make things run smooth. Another recommendation for landlords is to have the utilities set up on a landlord system. With this set up the utilities automatically revert to the property owner when a tenant moves out. The last thing you want to have happen is for the gas company to shut off your service in January just because the tenant moved out. Helpful tips like this for Park City property management can save you a lot of headaches and problems down the road.
If your rental property is part of a home owners association there may be common area elements that your tenants have access to. Including information on things like pool rules, gym rules, recycling and refuse locations, and parking rules is a must for this type of rental property. I can't tell you how many frustrated tenants I have spoken to because their car was towed, they can't find the garbage and they don't know the rules for the pool or gym. Educating tenants on a property is the best way to reduce these types of problems.
If you would like more information and tips on having informed tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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When a tenant moves out of a long term rental in Park City, a landlord has several tasks to accomplish. Obviously getting a property ready to rent again is at the top of the list. Hopefully you will always have awesome tenants who leave the place better than they found it. However sometimes there may need to be maintenance performed and it may be something that was caused by the tenant and exceeds normal wear and tear. I have previously written about this situation in "Damage Or Wear And Tear? Park City Property Management Info". Today I would like to give landlords some tools for their Utah property management belts that can help move outs become a uniform, simplified process.
A Good Checklist

One of the best tools a landlord can have in their arsenal is a well thought out checklist for the property. A good checklist should be comprehensive in covering things like the condition of walls, floors, plumbing and appliances, as well as mechanical components like hot water heaters, furnaces and water softeners. Items included in the checklist should be grouped in a logical order. Interior components should be listed by room so that you aren't checking a bedroom window upstairs followed by a hot water heater downstairs. You should also test items that have a function to them, such as flushing toilets, running water in a sink and turning lights on and off. This will help you know if there are any items that will need to be addressed before a new tenant moves in and serve as an excellent preventative maintenance program. If exterior components are part of your inspection process they can be listed by the different sides or areas of the property. Having a checklist like this in place will help standardize your inspection of a property after a tenant has left. This document should also allow room for you to write notes about the condition of items contained in the list. Be thorough in your descriptions. "Grease spills and black drip pans" is better than "oven dirty" and will also be supported by the next tool in your bag, taking photos.
Take Photos

These days nearly everyone has a cell phone. Most phones have very high quality cameras that are on par with a basic digital camera. It is very easy to then email a group of photos from the phone to your computer. Take detailed photos of damage, both from far away to provide perspective, and close up to show detail, is a great way for both the landlord and the tenant to account for any conditions present in the property that could exceed reasonable wear and tear. Should the dispute ever have to go to court photographic evidence of damage will strengthen a landlords case that money should have been taken from a security deposit to enact repairs. Keep your digital photos in a file based on the move out date and periodically delete old photos if there is no disputing of charges. Don't be afraid to take a lot of photos, they can easily be deleted later. With a good checklist and photos to back up your findings you will be well on your way to avoiding potential security deposit disputes in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on quality property checklists, security deposit disputes, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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An on time rent payment, or the very elusive early rent payment, is the unsung joy of a Park City property management company. If there is one concept I would instill into every tenant I meet it would be to always pay your rent on time. This saves a lot of effort and headaches on the part of any landlord. One late payment can kick off a series of possibly unnecesary events including posting of notices, late fees, and even eviction notices. These are what I would refer to as the "stick" method for encouraging on time payments. But before we get to the stick let's take a look at some proactive "carrot" methods for encouraging on time payment.

First things first, does your lease clearly state when rent is due and when it is late? Let's hope for your sake it does. Now when your new tenants signed the lease did you explain or even mention this requirement? Giving your tenants up front knowledge about when rent is due and when it is late is the first step in combatting the dreaded late payment. Most people, including tenants, will make the right choice the majority of the time if they are aware of what is expected of them. For example our lease states that rent is due on the 1st and late on the 5th. I feel like I can't even mention the amount of rent a tenant must pay without following up with "due on the 1st, late on the 5th". I have found that properly educating tenants about expectations at the beginning of a lease is the best way to avoid problems in Park City property management.
The more options a person has to make a rent payment the easier making that rent payment becomes. For some tenants the act of writing out a check, getting a letter and a stamp and sending it off will only create a greater likelihood of late payment. I know at my house we rarely have both a stamp and an envelope on hand at the same time. Basically all of our bills are paid online automatically every month, we know it is coming out and don't have to worry every month. This convenience should be extended to your tenants through any means possible. Things like PayPal, online banking transactions or even banks that automatically mail checks every month are potential solutions for payment options. Be flexible and you will find that the increase in options will result in a decrease in late payments. We continually push online payments with all our tenants. It cuts down on errors, lost payments, trips to the bank, etc. It is a great solution for Park City property management.
Yes, how you maintain your property can have influence how on time your tenant is with their payments. Think about it, if a tenant calls you about a maintenance item it is obviously something that they want to have fixed. If you are habitually slow in your repairs or if you are always coming up with excuses as to why you can't or won't fix something then don't be surprised if your tenants are less than happy to be sending you their money each month. Rent is a big expense for a tenant, often times it is the single largest expense for an individual or household. And if you are having to send all this money to someone who isn't taking care of their end of the agreement then I guarantee you won't be in a hurry to take care of your part. If you are an on the ball property manager who does an awesome job maintaining your property then don't be surprised if your tenants do an awesome job of paying on time.
If you would like more information on encouraging tenants to pay on time, or Park City property management in general, click the link below to sign up for our free consultation. Our consultation will provide you with valuable information specific to your rental property. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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