Online rental scams have become increasing diverse and prevalent in the modern age. Unfortunately Park City property management can also fall prey to unsavory individuals looking to take advantage of potential renters. Today's tips are designed to help landlords avoid appearing as an online scam or avoid having your property used in a scam. The typical scan is a take on the classic email you've probably received about a Nigerian prince who just needs you to send him a little money so he can get millions of dollars release to him and then pay you handsomely. For Park City property management a person posing as a landlord advertising a long term rental in Park City may tell you they are out of the country but if you mail them a check they will mail you keys and you can move right in! Now we take a look at avoiding this scam.
1. Be A Real Person

If you are a savvy landlord you probably advertise for new tenants online. Being online is great as it opens up the reach of your rental property significantly, which will also decrease the amount of vacancy you experience during turnover. Unfortunately anyone can also go online and pose as a landlord in Park City property management. So how can you insulate yourself from looking like a scammer? One way is to list your telephone number in your advertising. This will allow potential tenants to speak with you directly, something many scammers never do. You can also create a website specific to your rental property and include the link. Scams are never this involved and looking at an actual website will give tenants peace of mind. Your website could also have an info@ email address so prospects can reach you in a variety of ways. You can also consider hiring a property management company in Park City. They will act as the professional face of your rental and provide excellent service to your tenants.
2. For Rent Sign
There are also smart tenants out there who like to get to know a property and the neighborhood in which it resides before they are willing to move ahead with a rental. One thing that can help people know that a property is legitimately available is to place a For Rent sign in the window of your available property. Not only is this an easy and sometimes effective way of advertising, it lets the curious renter know that the property listed is yours, it is actually available and you are in fact the landlord. You may even find neighbors referring people to your rental property. Tenants in Park City property management care about their neighbors and they may have friends or family interested in renting in the area.
3. Protect Yourself
If you have recently posted your property for rent it might be a good idea to check online advertising sources like Craigslist or other free classifieds. Unscrupulous people can easily steal pictures of your property, pose as the landlord and try to rip of unsuspecting individuals for security deposits, etc. If you see your property being advertised online by someone other than yourself contact the website it is posted on and contest the posting. This will help keep you from getting involved in sleazy internet scams.
If you would like more information on protecting yourself from online scams, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Maintenance is a necessity of any Park City property management operation. One type of maintenance that can sometimes be neglected is preventative maintenance. Simple kinds of preventative maintenance or checks can eliminate some costly repairs and save you a lot of money down the road. This is a great landlord help for Park City property management. Today I would like to cover 4 types of preventative maintenance or checks that are very easy to do but if neglected can cause serious problems.
1. Dryer Vents

Many people don't give a second thought to the dryer vent. You stick your clothes in the dryer, turn the machine on and in a little while you've got some nice warm, dry clothes. Dryers can build up a significant amount of heat and a clear vent is necessary to keep the heat at a safe level. Vents can become clogged over time by lint build up, reducing the ability of the dryer to actually dry clothes. This puts a strain on the dryer, causes drying times to double or more, and can become a fire hazard. Sometimes birds or other small animals can build nests in dryer vents. In fact I've even seen a bird build a nest inside the dryer, right on the motor! Adding a cage to the outside of a dryer vent is a great idea for Park City property management.
2. Water Leaks
I have seen a small water leak from the back of a dishwasher that went unnoticed for a time and caused over $8,000 in damage. Take the time to inspect all the plumbing fixtures and components in your property. Check under sinks and look for any staining or warping of the cabinets. Run all the fixtures and put water through all the drains to see if anything shows up. You should also check around the bottom of the hot water heater if it is getting close to replacement time. Depending on your water hardness and mineral content you may only get 10 years before your hot water heater develops a leak. Run the washing machine and dishwasher through a quick wash and drain while checking for leaks under the dishwasher and behind the washing machine. Simple checks like these can catch a leak before it can cause significant damage to your long term rentals in Park City.
3. Air Filters
Of course everyone understands that an air filter helps pull dust, pollen, dander, etc. from the air of a home. This keeps the air clean and fresh, cuts down on allergens and odors. But what many people don't know is that a free-flowing air filter greatly increases the efficiency and service life of furnaces and air conditioners. Clogged air filters reduce the amount of air flow which reduces the system's ability to heat and cool the property. For heaters and clogged air filter creates additional heat in blower motors and heat is the enemy of electric motors, reducing service life and causing premature failure. For an air conditioner the reduced air flow can cause coils to freeze up, particularly at elevations that are commonly seen in Park City property management.
4. Smoke Detectors
Perhaps the most obvious but often overlooked item is testing smoke detectors and replacing batteries. All it takes is a simple push of the test button to make sure the unit will still alarm. Changing the batteries regularly will also ensure you have a working detector should a fire ever happen. If you would like a little more information about fire prevention you can check out my blog post "Fire Safety For Apartments - Park City Property Management".
If you would like more information about preventative maintenance, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Properly screening a potential tenant is not an option, it is a necessity in Park City property management. You can get a pretty good feel for the type of person you are renting to during a tour or other face-to-face meeting but past behavior can be a very accurate predictor of future performance. I've put together a list of 5 ways in which screening a prospective tenant can save you from major headaches and lost money. I think these are great tips for Park City property management that will help landlords make informed decisions when renting their properties.
1. Pets
I my experience as a property manager I have never had a prospective tenant say to me "My dog is not house broken at all. It chews on anything and will use every corner of the condo as a bathroom." Even if this is actually true unfortunately no one will ever admit it. Every potential tenant with a pet tells me they are well behaved, never goes potty inside, etc. Based on that you would think there has never been any damaged caused by a pet in the history of rentals. But we both know this is not true so how can you protect yourself? Requiring potential tenants to provide their previous landlord's contact information is a great way to find out if they had a good pet or a four-legged machine of destruction.
2. Criminal Activity
Properties that are involved in criminal activity suffer in many ways. I have seen doors kicked in during a domestic violence episode. Meth labs can practically ruin a property and cost an owner thousands of dollars in repair. Multiple police visits are a serious detractor for any property and can cause neighbors to want to move out of the area. Other types of illegal drug use can also bring dangerous or unsavory individuals into a community. Things like burglary and arson can also create major damage costing landlords significant amounts for repair and lost rents. While people can always change any type of criminal history should be a cause for concern to a landlord in Park City property management. Protect yourself by running a credit and criminal background check on prospective tenants.
3. Late Payments
One of the most frustrating and time consuming aspects of being a landlord is chasing down a late rent payment. Making phone calls, posting notices, tracking down shifty tenants and dealing with bounced checks can make things difficult in a hurry. The last thing you want is a tenant who is habitually late on their rent payments. By checking with their previous landlord you can get an idea of how on time they are with payments, if they ever had any checks bounce, or if they are always calling at the first of the month to work out a deal and pay late. Some people go through rough patches but if this is a consistent thing you should stay away from these potential tenants.
4. Breaking The Lease
If you find out, either from the potential tenant or their previous landlord, that the previous lease was broken then you should take a good look at the situation. I have rented to tenants who have broken their prior lease and it is not something that should outright disqualify someone. The circumstances surrounding the breaking of the lease are important. I have rented to people who broke a lease due to job transfer, a previous landlord not maintaining or properly fixing things, and even a tenant who was told they could have a dog by the landlord when the HOA did not allow tenants to have pets!
5. Property Maintenance
If your rental property has certain maintenance obligations, like changing air filters or keeping the water softener full of salt, you need a tenant who has a history of doing these things. Clogged air filters and non-functioning water softeners can put unnecessary wear and tear on expensive items like water heaters and furnaces. Having a responsible tenant is an important part of Park City property management.
If you would like more information about tenant screening, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
The first and most commonly asked question in Park City property management is unsurprisingly, "How much is the rent?" While it would be easy if there was a universal formula that everyone followed in setting rent this is not the case. There is a fair amount of research and even a little bit of art in evaluating the marketplace and setting the rent. Today I would like to share a few of the things I have found useful in determining rent along with my personal experience in the matter. The key through all of this I feel is to remain flexible and adaptable to the demands of the market and not get caught up in jumping over dollars to pick up dimes. Hopefully this will benefit your Park City property management efforts.
Craigslist is a great place to check for available rentals, just ask any tenant. You can find nearly any type of property to rent, it's free and easy to you. The search function works well so you can narrow down the properties to something that you feel is comparable to your property. The old real estate adage of "location, location, location" also applies for Park City property management. The proximity to desired locations or amenities can influence a price up or down so take a good look at the properties you feel are "comparable" before you decide to price your property.

In my opinion the newspaper or any other type of printed classified advertising is following in the footsteps of the dinosaurs, cavemen and Vanilla Ice. However most papers and many other news sites have great online classified sections that make searching easy. These are definitely more locations specific methods of search and may therefore have less volume of inventory or comparable properties. They are still worth a look though as you could and should be part of the research you use in setting a good rent price. The Park Record and KSL are a couple of sites that have good classified sections that will help determine the going rate in Park City property management.
For Rent Signs
Maybe you are in your car headed to your rental property and you see and For Rent sign just down the street. Unless you are renting a shanty in the middle of million dollar homes this is a great opportunity to see what a property right in your area is being advertised for. Stop and take a look, hopefully there is a brief description of the amenities along with the advertised price. This is even more location specific than the last two methods mentioned but every little bit of information combines to create a more informed decision.
Seasonal Markets
If you've been in the Park City property management business any reasonable amount of time you know that fall is the best time to get a property rented and spring can be pretty lean. Park City is becoming less of a seasonal town over time, particularly with large vacation properties drawing off season groups to town. This creates a greater demand for a year-round workforce and subsequently a year round housing demand. Winter definitely still rules the roost and occupancy levels start climbing rapidly in the fall. If you have a property coming available around this time you can usually charge a premium over leaner times of year. One tip specific to Park City is watching out for seasonal employees who are signing a year lease. A year round job at a ski resort is still hard to come by and you don't want to have tenants bailing on your lease in May.
The best tip for figuring out your marketplace is flexibility. If you advertise your property and are getting no response you could be priced too high. If your inbox is jammed on the first day you might be a little low. Be willing to adjust based on experience and you'll end up with a good idea of what people are willing to pay.
If you would like more information about the Park City marketplace, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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For today's blog post I would like to share a recent situation involving a tenant and the pet rules at a local condominium property. I think this story will help highlight the issue of pet rentals in Park City property management, as well as explain some concepts that might be unfamiliar to some people. I will also share a few statistics on the future of pet rentals that will help landlords decide how to approach the issue of renting to tenants with pets. It's no secret that Park City is a very pet friendly town but not when it comes to renters looking to find a place that will accommodate their dog or cat.
When The Rules Do And Don't Apply
I currently have a tenant that rents at a condominium property that allows a tenant to have pets. Unfortunately for this tenant the owner of the property decided to sell and the tenant had to move. Based on my availability at the time I did not have another two bedroom at the pet friendly property that would fit her and her two daughters. I did however have a two bedroom at another property that was not pet friendly. The important point in this story is that the current tenant had a dog that was registered as an Emotional Support Animal or ESA.
I have previously covered the differences with ESAs in a post "Service Animals - Info For Park City Property Management" but to briefly explain an ESA is not the same as a service dog and therefore has some restrictions. Where a service dog has "unlimited public access", an ESA does not. However a property manager or landlord must make reasonable accommodations or changes to the rules allowing a person to keep an ESA, even if the landlord's or community's rules expressly prohibit pets. This accommodation is required by Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act. I submitted the registration for the animal to the manager of the no-pets community and they were initially resistant to making an accommodation. I explained the requirements and the community manager placed a call to HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). After speaking with HUD he made the recommendation that the animal be allowed and the tenant was okay to move in. This is an important distinction that needs to be made for Park City property management. If the pet is a registered ESA a landlord must make reasonable accommodations or changes to a no pets policy. Property managers and landlords who do not make these requests can get into serious trouble, including possible discrimination suits from the federal government.
The Future Of Pets And Rentals
While there still continues to be clarifications to the laws regarding service animals and ESAs it is pretty clear that landlords and property managers in Park City property management need to be aware of the legal issues regarding these animals. It is also interesting to note that the number of renters with pets continues to rise. In a recent survey 75% of renters in 2013 stated they had some type of pet, compared with 43% in 2012. Cats and dogs, no surprise, counted for the majority of pets while fish came in a distant third. 51% of those surveyed said that their neighbors love pets while 58% of non-pet owners stated they enjoy living in pet friendly properties.
If you would like more information about pet rentals and ESA requirements, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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When deciding on an investment property ROI is one of the primary considerations. With any given property there are ways to maximize your ROI and make your investment a more profitable endeavor. As I have written before in "Maximize Your Property - Tips For Park City Property Management" one of the biggest ways a property loses money is through vacancy and turnover. There are several things you can do to reduce vacancy, like working to keep good tenants, making requested repairs or upgrades to the property, etc. But what if the property by it's nature encourages short term tenancy and yearly turnover?
Single Family Homes

A recent survey of national rental properties found that 52% of all rental properties in the United States are single family homes. 3.6 million of those homes were originally built as owner-occupied properties that passed into rentals when the original owners lost the property in foreclosure. During the recent of the housing boom and bust, from 2005 to 2010, single family home rentals increased by 21%, versus a 4% increase in total housing units. While the purchase price of a single family home can be initially prohibitive there are substantial reasons why renting a home can make sense for Park City property management
Length Of Stay
When compared with multi-family rental properties such as condominiums or apartments the tenants of single family homes indicated they plan on staying longer than 5 years about 26% of the time. This represents an 18% increase from the average apartment or condominium tenant. As far as stable, long-term investments go this represents a great number for property investors. As I have mentioned turnover and vacancy are costly for any landlord. If your property attracts tenants who are looking to stay long term you can minimize the potential for loss and maximize your rental income.
Another appealing aspect of single family rentals is the demographics of people searching for these properties. The majority (53%) of single family tenants are between the ages of 35 and 44. 66% of single family tenants make between $75,000-$100,000/year, versus 51% of multi-family tenants making between $50,000-$75,000. Also 65% of single family renters have a household of three or more members and 63% include children. For a landlord this means that the largest pool of interested people are older, stable families with a healthy income. With the potential for longer tenancy and prosperous tenants a single family rental may be the way to go in Park City property management.
Reasons For Renting
The survey also included some interesting reasons for renting that I think apply to Park City property management. Most people view the ability or inability to qualify for a home mortgage and the primary reason for either buying or renting. However this was given as only the third most popular reason by current tenants. While 60% of single family tenants and 44% of multi-family tenants plan on being a home owner within the next 5 years of the tenants who do not plan on owning a home the biggest reason offered was they prefer being a renter. The next most common reason given by people who prefer to rent is they do not want to own a home. For many of these people renting is a preferred choice rather than the only available option.
If you would like more information about single family or multi-family rental properties, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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There are many property investors who take care of the management of their property on their own. I recently wrote a blog post dealing with my own frustrations of managing my rental property in a post titled "I Need Some Park City Property Management Help". If you are interested in reading about my experiences, and perhaps relating to them, you can click here. Today I would like to cover a few of the key points to consider when asking the question "Should I hire a property manager?" You can respond to these points honestly and decide for yourself if a Park City property management company is right for you.
How Close Is Your Property?
Are we talking a couple of blocks, on the other side of the city or in another state? As a rule of thumb if you can't get to the property quickly your ability to manage it yourself is seriously degraded. Every step in the management process from touring prospective tenants, handling maintenance problems, and collecting rent becomes more difficult as distance increases. If you are out of state or live a decent distance from your rental property you should seriously consider Park City property management.
How Much Time Do You Have?
Perhaps your idea of managing a property is taking a few phone calls throughout the year and cashing those rent checks. The reality can be far different. I often like to joke that most emergencies happen between 3-5pm on a Friday afternoon. Unless you are going out of town before the weekend, then the emergencies will adjust their schedule to your last day in the office. Property management can be chasing down late rent payments, fixing broken toilets and lighting pilot lights, responding to emergencies, doing something about noisy neighbors, and the occasional bounced check. If you don't have the time to deal with these types of problems it might be a good idea to bring in a pro.
Can You Deal Directly With Tenants?
If you are a proactive landlord who takes care of their property then a good portion of the interactions with your tenants will be positive. But even the best landlords have problems with tenants. In my time as a property manager I've had the nicest tenants who never pay rent on time. I've had to step into the middle of tense domestic disputes involving law enforcement and act as a mediator to solve the problem. I've had to tell tenants that the rent is going up and that new carpet isn't a possibility. If you are going to manage your own property you should realize that you will find yourself in tough situations where you will have to be the bad guy. Having a Park City property management company can put some distance between you and your tenants.
How Handy Are You?
A maintenance request is probably the most common type of call you will receive as a landlord. Having the knowledge and ability to repair all the many types of requests you receive does not automatically come with property ownership. You will need to either handle these types of requests or spend time coordinating with a reputable contractor who can.
If you would like more information about the benefits of hiring CC Realty to manage your property, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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An on time rent payment, or the very elusive early rent payment, is the unsung joy of a Park City property management company. If there is one concept I would instill into every tenant I meet it would be to always pay your rent on time. This saves a lot of effort and headaches on the part of any landlord. One late payment can kick off a series of possibly unnecesary events including posting of notices, late fees, and even eviction notices. These are what I would refer to as the "stick" method for encouraging on time payments. But before we get to the stick let's take a look at some proactive "carrot" methods for encouraging on time payment.

First things first, does your lease clearly state when rent is due and when it is late? Let's hope for your sake it does. Now when your new tenants signed the lease did you explain or even mention this requirement? Giving your tenants up front knowledge about when rent is due and when it is late is the first step in combatting the dreaded late payment. Most people, including tenants, will make the right choice the majority of the time if they are aware of what is expected of them. For example our lease states that rent is due on the 1st and late on the 5th. I feel like I can't even mention the amount of rent a tenant must pay without following up with "due on the 1st, late on the 5th". I have found that properly educating tenants about expectations at the beginning of a lease is the best way to avoid problems in Park City property management.
The more options a person has to make a rent payment the easier making that rent payment becomes. For some tenants the act of writing out a check, getting a letter and a stamp and sending it off will only create a greater likelihood of late payment. I know at my house we rarely have both a stamp and an envelope on hand at the same time. Basically all of our bills are paid online automatically every month, we know it is coming out and don't have to worry every month. This convenience should be extended to your tenants through any means possible. Things like PayPal, online banking transactions or even banks that automatically mail checks every month are potential solutions for payment options. Be flexible and you will find that the increase in options will result in a decrease in late payments. We continually push online payments with all our tenants. It cuts down on errors, lost payments, trips to the bank, etc. It is a great solution for Park City property management.
Yes, how you maintain your property can have influence how on time your tenant is with their payments. Think about it, if a tenant calls you about a maintenance item it is obviously something that they want to have fixed. If you are habitually slow in your repairs or if you are always coming up with excuses as to why you can't or won't fix something then don't be surprised if your tenants are less than happy to be sending you their money each month. Rent is a big expense for a tenant, often times it is the single largest expense for an individual or household. And if you are having to send all this money to someone who isn't taking care of their end of the agreement then I guarantee you won't be in a hurry to take care of your part. If you are an on the ball property manager who does an awesome job maintaining your property then don't be surprised if your tenants do an awesome job of paying on time.
If you would like more information on encouraging tenants to pay on time, or Park City property management in general, click the link below to sign up for our free consultation. Our consultation will provide you with valuable information specific to your rental property. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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As the manager of a Park City property management company I have great insight in the day to day operation of investment properties and long term rentals in Park City. Being able to easily survey and understand a broad range of rental properties gives me a viewpoint that perhaps a typical landlord with one or two investment properties may not have. But in a unique twist I also own an investment property. My wife and I have owned a two bedroom condo in the Salt Lake area that we rent out long term. We have owned this property for over six years and have been fortunate enough to have had only two tenants in that time. I feel owning a rental property gives me great perspective into what the average landlord goes through during the course of managing their investment. And specifically an experience I had last Tuesday reinforced for me the value of Park City property management.
Finding Time
The story begins on the Sunday before, late in the evening. My wife got a phone call from our tenants that the garbage disposal we had replaced a few months ago wasn't working and the dishwasher was leaking. First, our tenants are wonderful. We did our due diligence with their applications and background checks and they have been great people to work with. We take care of our property and so do they. My wife asked if it would be okay if I stopped by Tuesday night to take a look as this would be the first night we had available. They said that would be fine as they didn't use the dishwasher much anyways. We initially told them it wouldn't be until Wednesday but my wife was able to rearrange her conflict on Tuesday so she could watch our children and I could address the problem. Perhaps you can already see where this is going.
I Need A Property Manager
Stop me if this sounds familiar: You work at a demanding job. Your significant other also works. You own your own home along with all its attendant requirements of your time. You have a couple of kids along with a couple of dance lessons, soccer practices, basketball games and throw in some skiing because this is Park City. Then, despite the best efforts of your children, enjoy a small social life with friends. Basically you are a busy person. This is the situation I found myself in Tuesday night after having rushed home from work, inhaled some food, ran to the condo, and found myself need to replace a leaking dishwasher. Not the best way to spend a Tuesday night. As I made my second trip to Home Depot (the water line fitting didn't match the new dishwasher) the thought came to me clearly that I need a property manager! Taking care of items like this and allowing me to focus on family, friends, and work is exactly what a property manager does. If you've ever found yourself in a crunch for time and in need to some help on your rental property maybe it is time you looked into Park City property management.
If you would like more information about how CC Realty can save you time on your investments, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you maximize your investment. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
As a property manager who takes care of Park City Utah apartments, condos or houses you probably understand the importance of fire safety. Condominiums and apartments can present special challenges to Park City property management landlords that you would not find in your average single family home rental. With many tenants living in close proximity to one another it is important that the potential for fire be reduced and any fire systems in the building be properly maintained. If you would like to information on fire statics in the United States take a look at my post "Fire Prevention Tips For Park City Property Management" by clicking here. Today I would like to talk a little more about apartment or condominium specific concerns for property management in Park City Utah.
Smoke Detectors

The first and most easily managed line of defense is a working smoke detector. For all of the properties we manage we perform an annual preventative maintenance that, among other things, includes changing batteries in smoke detectors. This is cheap insurance against a fire and is something even novice property owners can accomplish. There are even smoke detectors available on the market that have a built-in battery guaranteed to last 10 years. They are simple to swap in and test to make sure they are working. For Park City property management this is the first simple step that all landlords should take.
Fire Extinguishers
Your tenants probably have pots and pans for cooking, scented candles to set the mood and maybe even electric space heaters to keep themselves warm at night. And for all these potential sources for a fire did they also bring with them a fire extinguisher? Don't wait around, buy a couple and put them in your property. Most fires occur in the kitchen and are usually caused by cooking. Having a fire extinguisher within easy reach in your Park City rental property is a great way to keep small fires from becoming large ones. If you already have an extinguisher in the property check the date on it. Extinguishers have a useful shelf life and for as little as they cost to replace it is worth it to buy a new one if your current units are expired.
Larger Property Systems
Is your rental property part of condominium building or home owners association? Specifically is it in a multi-story building surrounded by other similar condominiums? Chances are there is also a building fire suppression system in your property as well. This most likely consists of heat sensitive sprinkler heads pressurized with glycol, air horns and strobe lights, as well as a central panel and outside monitoring of the system. If anything can be relayed to your tenants regarding these systems it would be to never touch them. I had a tenant who thought it was okay to hang some clothes from a sprinkler head. This quickly resulted in a shower for the tenant and a small flood in the property. Contrary to what you see in movies only the sprinkler head near the heat source will go off. However the will continue to go off until water is shut off to the system. This is why it is important that they never be tampered with. Horns and strobes that have been tampered with can also result in an alarm sent to the monitoring company who will then dispatch the fire department. Firefighters have better things to do than respond to false alarms caused by unwitting tenants.
If you would like more information about making your property fire safe, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you maximize your investment. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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