Maintenance happens; this is the reality of Park City property management. However there are certain types of situations, which by their nature are emergencies. As a landlord there a few important tips and laws you should know when it comes to emergency property maintenance. I have previously written about basic maintenance laws in my post "Maintenance Laws For Park City Property Management" which you can read here. This post explains some of the laws surrounding basic property maintenance as well as introducing the Fit Premises Act. This is the governing act in Utah property management when it comes to maintenance standards and requirements. If you are involved in Park City property management you should become familiar with the act and the requirements for both landlords and tenants. Today however I would like to deal with first tips and then laws on emergency maintenance.
Setting Expectations
As with many other facets of Park City property management, the initial setting of proper expectations is the first step on the road to an excellent relationship with your tenants. Having a frank conversation about what constitutes an emergency is important. This is also a good time for some self-evaluation of your ability to respond to emergencies as a landlord. If you feel you cannot do so it is probably best for you to hire a property manager. If you are up to the challenge then spell out what is or is not an emergency. Something like a leaking or broken water pipe is definitely an emergency, both for the damage the water can cause and the necessity of shutting of the water for repair. Tenants should be familiar with where the water shut of is and notify you immediately. Gas leaks are also an emergency. Tenants should know to leave the property first and know where the gas meter is. Last summer we had a riding lawn mower strike a gas meter and punch a large hole in the case. Even though it was outside it was necessary to go door to door in the surrounding buildings and have residents open their windows and turn off all potential spark sources. A broken heater would also constitute an emergency depending on the time of year. It may not be a rush repair in July but for Park City property management when we hit negative temperatures on a cold January night it must be taken care of immediately. Obviously fires and floods should be reported to the proper authorities along with the landlord but less obvious things like electrical problems should also be dealt with quickly to avoid creating fires.
Standard Of Habitability

Standard of habitability is a term found in the Fit Premises Act and helps to explain what could be considered an emergency. If the defect in the property violates a standard of habitability and presents a threat to the physical health and safety of a tenant then a corrective period of 3 days is required by law. Things like broken windows, exposed electrical wiring, exterior doors that cannot be locked or secured, improperly flowing or clogged drains and plumbing, along with all of the items listed above would constitute a violation of the standard of habitability. Should a tenant report any of these types of maintenance items you are legally required to correct the deficiency with 3 days of its report. There are also requirements related to a "dangerous condition" which is defined as a condition that poses a substantial risk of the imminent loss of life or substantial physical harm. By law a dangerous conditions must be repaired with 24 hours of its report.
If you would like more information on emergency maintenance laws and tips, or any of our Park City property management services please click on the link below for a free consultation. You will be given valuable information about your property as well as a no-obligation quote on our property management services.
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As a landlord in Park City property management you have undoubtedly contemplated the prospect of raising the rent on your current tenants. Perhaps you are in a negative cash flow perspective on your investment property and looking to get positive. Or maybe you feel the market has turned and a higher rate would keep you competitive. There are many things to consider before raising a rental rate so let's take some time to discuss a few of the more important points.
Is your rental property one of several in the area that are consistent rental properties, vacant or otherwise? Knowing how many rentals there are in your area is one of the first things you should determine when considering raising the rent. If your property is one of many and there are a fair amount of vacancies you run the risk of losing tenants. If your tenants are problem tenants you may want them to move however be careful because you could get yourself into trouble. I discussed this issue previous in a post titled "Landlord Retaliation - Park City Property Management" which you can read by clicking here.
Market Rate
Do you even know what the market rate is for your property? How do you determine market rate? The best answer on market rate is the rental rate that a willing landlord and tenant agree to. As a landlord however, you are looking to maximize your return on investment so you must position yourself in the marketplace accordingly. Doing your homework on what rental properties in your area are listed at and how comparable they are to your property is the first step towards determining market rate.
Quality Tenants

The old adage "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" perfectly describes the value of a quality tenant. Is an extra $25/month worth it when your current tenant takes excellent care of the property, always pays rent on time, is wonderful to work with when maintenance requests occur, and generally is a great person to deal with? Quality tenants are not always easy to come by and if you have one they are a great asset to your Park City property management operation. If a small increase is enough to drive them out then forego the money and keep your peace of mind. It is far better to make a little less a month and have a property returned in equal, if not better, condition at the end of a lease.
Rental Demand
How is the demand for rental units in your area? Are there factors in play that could increase or decrease the demand for your property? For example some recent openings of large luxury hotels have had a favorable impact on rental values for Park City property management. On the other hand the addition of government subsidized housing has eaten up some of the bottom of the market. Pay attention to what the market in your area is doing. Are there new schools being opened or new business or development plans? What about a large employer going out of business? These factors have substantial impact on both property and rental values. If people are clamoring to rent in your area then rents go up. If you struggle to find tenants then consider keeping your rates static or even incentivizing to keep good tenants in place.
If you would like more information on rental pricing, market evaluation, or Park City property management please click the link below and schedule a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your rental property along with a no-obligation quote on our property management services.
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I have previously written about a tenant abandoning a rental property in "Abandoned Premises - Tips And Info For Park City Property Management". In that article, which you can read by clicking here, I mentioned that there are sometimes instances when a tenant also leaves behind personal property. There are specific laws for Utah property management that pertain to the personal property of a tenant in these situations that must be followed. Today I would like to cover some of these laws and provide additional resources for Park City property management operations.
Abandoned Property

As always if you are unsure of your rights as a landlord, or what rights your tenant has in a situation, it is best to consult an attorney who specializes in Utah property management law. If you find yourself with a rental property that meets the criteria as abandoned, and the tenant's personal property is still present in the premises, this property must be treated in a specific manner. First an owner must post a conspicuous notice that the property is abandoned and send a letter to the last known address of the tenant stating the same. A property owner may have the items removed and stored at another location. The owner may also change the locks and store the items in the premises. Moving costs and storage fees should be calculated. If the items are left in the premises then the storage fees may simply be the regular rent rate. If a tenant requests to have their property returned to them a landlord must do so however the tenant must pay the associated moving and storage costs for their property. If a tenant does not request to have their property returned within 30 days of abandonment then the landlord may sell the property at a public sale and apply money from the sale to the storage and moving costs. The landlord may also donate the property to a charity. If the property is sold any money generated from the sale that is in excess of moving and storage costs must be returned to the tenant.

There are a few important points or exceptions that a landlord should be made aware of for Park City property management. Here are a few of the more interesting points in abandoned property law.
Regardless of whether the personal property is abandoned a landlord is not required to store the following items:
- chemicals
- pests
- potentially dangerous or other hazardous materials
- animals including dogs, cats, fish, reptiles, rodents, birds, or other pets
- gas, fireworks, combustibles, or any item considered to be hazardous or explosive
- garbage
- perishable items
If the remaining personal property does go to a public sale and the former tenant is present at the sale the tenant may designate which items are sold first. The owner can only sell as many items as is required to cover all costs accrued by the tenant under the terms of the lease, including storage and moving fees. The tenant may also bid on any items at the sale but must have money on hand to pay for these items. Any items that that remain to be sold after all the tenant's expenses have been paid must then be turned over to the tenant. If the tenant is not present at the sale and their current location is unknown any excess funds must be disposed of according to the Unclaimed Property Act.
If you would like more information about abandoned property, Park City property management, or the benefits of having a professional property manager then click the button below to set up a free consultation. You will receive valuable information on Park City property management as well as a no-obligation quote on our management services.
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Preventative maintenance is an important part of Park City property management. A small amount of effort and a few dollars can save you from costly repairs and significant effort down the road. Here are 10 tips that can save you a lot of money, help maintain your property and protect your investment.
- Make sure all exterior surfaces that require paint or stain have an adequate coat on them. Wood decks and trim and cementitious siding can very easily be damaged by water penetration. Make sure these materials have a property coating to ensure a long life. With the significant snow totals you see in Park City property management this can be very important.
- Check the drainage around the property. This is also another consideration given the amount of snow we see. If there are areas where water flows toward the property instead of away consider back filling with dirt or altering the landscaping for proper drainage.
- Check gutters and keep them clear of leaves and other debris. If you have heat tape make sure the heat tape is on and functioning properly. These steps will keep water flowing down the gutters and not into your property.
- Doors should have weather stripping in good repair and any gaps or cracks around windows should be caulked. This will prevent both heat loss and water penetration. Your property will be protected and your tenant's will see a cheaper heating bill.
- If there are trees near the property make sure to keep them properly pruned and if they appear to be leaning or falling over have them taken out. Branches can break windows, root growth can destroy driveways, foundations and sewer lines, and if a tree falls it can cause serious structural damage to your property.
- Check the roof for damaged or missing shingles. Particularly in the fall before serious snow fall begins. It is much easier to make a roof repair on a clear fall day than in the middle of a January snow storm. Ice dams are also a common problem in Park City property management. Make sure your roof sheds snow on the eaves via either slip panels or heat tape. If necessary have problem areas routinely cleared.
- Wood burning fireplaces are somewhat common in Park City property management. Make sure the chimney is cleaned annually or consider switching to a natural gas fireplace. Build up in chimneys presents a substantial fire risk to your property.
- Schedule a tune up for your furnace in the fall and your air conditioning in the spring. Check the exterior condenser and keep it clean and free of plants so that is may function properly. Also check the exhaust of the furnace during your roof inspection. As a part of the lease require your tenants to change the air filter at least quarterly if not monthly.
- If there is a crawl space in your property inspect it periodically for any water leaks or accumulation. If there are any loose electrical wires make sure they are properly secured and do not present a hazard of either electrocution or fire.
- Know how a ground fault interrupter or GFI circuit works and how to test them. A correctly function GFI will prevent electrocution and fires and should regularly be tested.
Regularly scheduled maintenance is the first line of defense against property damage. Many of the items listed here are very easy to do and provide substantial protection against a number of possible problems. As a landlord in Park City property management you have a vested interest in maintaining your property. If you care about the condition of your property and work at maintaining it this will translate into higher rent payments and quality tenants.
If you would like more information about property maintenance or Park City property management please click on the link below for our free consultation. You will be given valuable information about property management along with a no-obligation quote on our services.
For someone like myself who was raised in the age of Surgeon General's warnings, anti-tobacco campaigns, and restrictions on advertising by cigarette companies it is somewhat of a no brainer that smoking is bad. However some people choose to smoke and some of them are tenants looking for a place to rent. It is therefore important for anyone involved in Park City property management to know the rules and laws regarding smoking in the state of Utah, as well as the possible cost of allowing smoking in a property. First I would like to focus on the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act and how it affects Park City property management. I will then look at the possible costs associated with, where permissible by law, allowing smoking in a property.
Utah Indoor Clean Air Act

Going into effect on January 1st, 1995 the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act (UICAA) was designed to protect Utahans and those visiting the state from the harmful effects of second hand smoke. It bans smoking in most public places as well as a long list of private businesses such as bars, clubs, hotels, motels, offices, restaurants, theaters, shopping malls, grocery stores, sports facilities, etc. I'm sure we are all aware of the dangers of second hand smoke but I feel it is worthwhile to point out that a 2006 report by the Surgeon General found that "second hand smoke is toxic and poisonous" and "there is no risk-free level of second hand smoke exposure". If you would like to read the full text of the report, including a list of all the harmful and cancer-causing chemicals found in second hand smoke, you can click here. Other important components of the UICAA are contained in amendments relating to condominiums and apartments. The first grants authority to condominium associations to restrict smoking in units and common areas. The second important amendment states that any smoke drifting from one condominium to another is considered a nuisance under law. I covered nuisance in a previous post titled "Nuisance! Definition And Info For Park City Property Management", if you would like more information you can click here.
Damage And Repair
If, after taking a look at the UICAA laws, you find you are still able to rent a property to someone who smokes, and if you WANT to rent to someone who smokes you need to take a serious look at the potential expense you would incure trying to make a property rentable once a smoker has moved out. Let me share a story of a landlord whose condo was smoked in unbeknownst to him and against the rules of the condominium association where the property was located. After having the condo professionally cleaned, all the flooring and carpets cleaned, walls and cabinet faces scrubbed and every wall and ceiling in the property repainted the place STILL smelled like an ashtray. All of the duct work had to be cleaned out, furnace filter changed and another coat of paint on the ceiling before the smell was MOSTLY taken care of. It still took several months of a new tenant living in the property before the smell was completely gone. If the owner were to bill for their time taken to fix the problem and not just materials and outside vendor bills the cost to remediate the smoking damage was significantly more than the deposit. And this was all from one heavy smoker who lived in a property for a year. Once potential costs like this are factored in, not to mention the added potential for house fires that smoking brings, it is easy to see that allowing smoking may get your property rented a little quicker in some circumstances but in the long run the costs definitely outweigh the benefits. The state of Utah has great resources for those involved in Park City property management, for more information you can click here.
If you would like more information about nuisance law, smoking damage and remediation or Park City property management services click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific for your property and a no-obligation quote of our services.
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Expectations are a very important part of Park City property management. The understanding of expectations, or the lack thereof, can be the difference between a wonderful tenant/landlord relationship, or a series of problematic interactions that lead to a short stay for a tenant and a vacant property for a landlord. While meeting expectations is good, every now and then a situation calls for going beyond normal expectations to either take care of a problem or maintain a beneficial relationship. Without seeming like I am tooting my own horn I would like to share an example of going beyond expectations and how it can create positive impressions and valued relationships.
I'm Not a Catering Company But...
Those of you familiar with Park City property management know all about Sundance. Hollywood comes to Park City and brings traffic jams, tons of film lovers and the town is crazy! I previously worked in the nightly rental and tourism industry and Sundance was always one of our busiest times. It was late in the afternoon of a Friday during the festival that I got a call from a group that was renting one of the homes we managed. The gentleman on the phone explained that the person from their group responsible for arranging catering for an even they were hosting tonight had left early. There was no catering set up and they wanted to know if I could help. I told them I would see what I could do, hung up the phone and shook my head. During Sundance catering companies have been booked out for months if not longer. I tried in vain to call a few companies I had worked with in the past but to no avail. My next phone call was to a grocery delivery company asking if they could meet me at the grocery store in 20 minutes and then I called my wife who was on her way up to Park City to meet me for dinner. "I'm sorry honey but I'm going to have to cancel dinner", I said. "Because you are going to help me cater a party."
After a rush to the grocery and liquor store, some quick arranging and a few hours spent keeping the food fresh and the alcohol flowing, the party was a success. I'd never catered an event before and I don't plan to do so in the future but I learned a few things from exceeding expectations that I think can be of value in Park City property management.
The Things I've Learned
In these unique situations there are a few things that I have learned. The first thing is that your reputation is one of the most valuable things you have, take care of it accordingly. You can't solve every problem and you can't make everyone happy but you should care about your reputation when it comes to Park City property management. If you are known for doing the right thing and not being a penny pinching landlord you'll find that you will attract the right
kind of people who respect and value those characteristics. This also leads me to my second point, it's not about money but about doing the right thing. If you add up all the time and effort you might spend in these extraordinary circumstances you are probably not going to see an exact return on your investment. But that is not the point. In my opinion doing the right thing is more important than the money. Perhaps I might dying a poor man because of this attitude, so be it. I believe there is intrinsic value in doing the right thing and that those people who you meet in your Park City property management operation will recognize and respect the values you have.
If you would like more information about going beyond expectations or Park City property management please sign up for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information on managing your property and a no-obligation quote on our property management services.
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If you've been at Park City property management for a while you might have had a tenant that, for lack of a better term, was a pain in the butt. This tenant probably did a lot of things right. They paid on time, they came with good references, they have a good job and a clear credit and criminal history. But then a drain in the laundry room happens to back up. You send out a plumber who tells you the drain was full of lint, obviously something the tenant has caused. The plumber fixes the problem and the drain is running clear. However a few months down the road the same drain backs up again. This time the tenant calls the Health Department complaining that "raw sewage" is all over the floor of their apartment, their children have been sick ever since they moved in and the landlord, you, is doing nothing about it. Now you have to meet with the Health Inspector. You are a good at Park City property management so you keep receipts to show the work you have done, as well as the cause of the problem. You are also smart enough to know that raw sewage isn't flowing out of the drain in your third floor condo; it is water from the washing machine that is flowing back out of the drain. And the Health Inspector informs everyone that unless the children are ingesting something there isn't a way for a backed up drain to make them sick with an airborne virus. After meeting with the Health Inspector you again have your plumber get the drain running free and clear.
You've Had Enough
After the latest round of complaints and money spent you're sick of these tenants and you want them to leave. Your lease allows for rent increases so you notify your tenant they will have to pay an extra $200/month, hoping they would just rather leave. When next month's rent comes in the $200 isn't there so you send them a 3 day notice to pay or vacate. You follow up your notice with a phone call and the tenant tells you that your increase of the rent and threat of eviction is retaliatoryand they will not be paying. Again you are experience in Park City property management so you call your attorney before proceeding with an eviction. The attorney informs you that the tenant is correct and you could be found guilty of landlord retaliation.
A Tenant's Rights

In Tuesday's blog post "Tenant Rights And Responsibilities - Park City Property Management", I highlighted some of the rights a tenant has by law. Some of those rights include a safe and sanitary home and the right to contact a health, building, or other inspector if they believe there is a violation of local codes and laws. If you would like to read more on the subject you can click here. A landlord could be considered retaliating if, after a tenant exercises their rights, they terminate or refuse to renew a lease, increase rent or decrease services. Many states also have a presumption of retaliation if a landlord engages in these types of activities within a certain time frame after a tenant exercising their rights. As a landlord you should be aware that these types of activities are illegal and can damage your Park City property management operations.
Not A Free Pass
These legal protections for tenants should never be considered a free pass for a tenant to do as they please. A tenant is still bound by the terms of the lease, regardless of when they exercised certain rights. Specifically a tenant is still obligated to pay rent on time and maintain the property, along with other terms they agree to in a lease. If they are not abiding by these terms they can be evicted form a property and could not argue the eviction was retaliation.
If you would like more information about landlord retaliation or Park City property management please sign up for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information on managing your property and a no-obligation quote on our property management services.
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For as often as people rent properties in Park City property management I find it interesting how many misconceptions there are about what a landlord can and can't do and what a tenant can and can't do. Most people seem to think the landlord can do what they like, I mean they own the place right? Wrong, tenants have a fair amount of rights granted to them once a lease agreement has been executed. Today I would like to give some basic information about tenant rights and responsibilities as it pertains to Park City property management. This should be of great benefit not only to tenants looking to rent but also landlords looking for renters. Both parties have specific obligations spelled out in state law and knowing both sides of the rental agreement will help both parties out.
Tenant Rights
Tenants enjoy many of the same rights that an owner of a property would enjoy along with some additional rights. For example a tenant has a right to a safe and sanitary home. While an owner could choose to not have locks on their front doors and do nothing about a plumbing problem these items are the rights of a tenant. A tenant has the right to call a health our housing inspector if they feel there are possible code violations. A tenant, like a property owner, has the right to the quiet enjoyment of a property. They also have the right to privacy in a property. A landlord can enter a property at reasonable times for repairs or inspections but should attempt to notify a tenant first, the obvious exception being an emergency. A tenant also has the right to a written receipt for rents or deposits paid. This is particularly important if a tenant rents from a private individual or if they pay with cash or money orders. A tenant is also entitled to at least 15 day notice if the terms of a month to month oral lease agreement. Tenants also have the right to requested repairs being made in a timely manner. There are even laws regarding the amount of time certain types of repairs must be made in. For more information on time requirements you can check out my post Maintenance Laws For Park City Property Management here.
Tenant Responsibilities

With rights to a property come certain responsibilities. These are basic ones that apply to every rental property however there may be property-specific responsibilities spelled out in your lease. Among the foremost responsibilities of a tenant is to pay rent on time. I can't stress this enough, you are legally required to pay rent on time. Not only is this a law but you will find your landlord is a much more pleasant person to deal with if those payments are made at the first of the month, if not earlier! A tenant has a responsibility to take care of a property. Upon move out the property must be returned in the condition in which it was received, minus normal wear and tear. A tenant must inform their landlord when they will be away from the property for an extended amount of time. A tenant is also responsible for making maintenance requests and they must do so in writing. A tenant must be considerate of neighbors and keep the noise down. And finally a tenant must abide by the terms of the lease and provide at least 15 day notice when moving out, unless the lease specifies otherwise.
The state of Utah has excellent resources for both tenants and landlords that you can view by clicking here. The best recommendation I can make for any tenant is to read their lease before signing and be responsible and proactive in learning the rules of any community you make be living in. This will help set expectations and avoid many problems that can occur in renting a property.
If you would like more information about Park City property management sign up for a free, no obligation consultation.
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In my very first blog post I wrote briefly about the necessity of properly screening tenants for Park City property management. If you would like to read my original post, 3 Tips For Successful Park City Property Management you may do so by clicking here. Today I would like to dive a little deeper into tenant screening and given you some of the top things you should do in order to find the right tenant for your property. Tenant screening cannot be stressed enough. Properly screening all potential applicants can be the difference between having great tenants who will take care of your investment and spending thousands of dollars and lots of your time trying to fix what the wrong tenants have ruined.
Verify Employment

When looking at prospective tenants you might think "I don't want a person with a dog", or "How soon can you move in", but what might go overlooked is how a person will pay the rent. Unless your tenant has a trust fund or parents paying rent you should be concerned if a person indicates they do not have a job on your application. And if you aren't using an application it is time to change your ways. An application should also ask gross monthly income. If your rent is $1200/month and the stated income is $1400/month there might be a problem. Having this information, along with a telephone number and name of the prospect's supervisor on your application is only the first step. You will also want to call the person listed as a supervisor to verify employment. This doesn't, and really shouldn't be a long conversation about their work habits and how much money they make. Just simply state who you are, that the prospect is applying to rent your property and you are calling to verify the employment they listed on the application. You really don't need to know more than this and employers cannot tell you more without violating the confidentiality of the employee. Now you know that your prospective tenant can pay let's take a look at some other useful things to check on in your Park City property management endeavors.
Rental History
It is said that past behavior can be a predictor of future behavior. While not fool proof a great way to see how a prospective tenant will behave is to check their rental history. Your
application should ask for previous rental history, amount of time spent at the previous rental, monthly rent and landlord's contact information. If a person seems to have moved frequently in the past year and doesn't have a reasonable explanation for it then you should probably stop right there. You should also contact the previous landlord and ask them how the prospect was as a tenant. Did they pay rent on time? Were there any complaints against them? Did they take good care of the property? Would the landlord rent to them again? If they have a pet how did the animal behave and was there any damage caused by the animal? Asking these types of questions can help you weed out potential tenants who might be a problem and find great tenants who will take care of your property. You are turning over the care of an expensive asset to a person, you should make sure they are the right person for the job. A little effort here can save you a lot of headaches and money in Park City property management.
Background Check
A good background check is another tool in a landlord's toolbox to help determine if a potential
tenant is the right fit for your property. A background check should include a credit score, list of creditors, as well as criminal history based on the most recent address provided. Minor traffic violations and the like will not show but things like DUIs, felony convictions, sex offender registry, etc. will. Credit score should be taken with a grain of salt, in my opinion it is not the magical number that some use it as. Life circumstances such as divorce, a business closure, and medical problems can damage a credit score but not necessarily a person's ability to pay rent. Use your best judgment and you can end up with a great tenant.
If you would like more information about Park City property management sign up for a free, no obligation consultation.
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If you own a rental property or are in the process of purchasing or upgrading one chances are you have thought about replacing appliances. Whether an older unit has failed or the property is in need of some refreshing, new appliances are a way to add value to a property. There are also significant savings to be had by using Energy Star appliances in your property. Today I would like to take a look at these savings for Park City property management.
What is Energy Star?
I'm sure most of us have heard of energy star appliances or are even familiar with the sticker that is found on certfied appliances. The program is overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is set up as a "voluntary program to identify and promote energy–efficient products
and buildings in order to reduce energy consumption, improve energy security, and reduce pollution through voluntary labeling of or other forms of communication about products and buildings that meet the highest energy efficiency standards." Products such as washers, stoves, and refridgerators that carry the energy star logo have to undergo third party testing at laboritories certified by the EPA to perform energy star testing. Products that become certified are also subject to "off-the-shelf" testing every year. This testing is to ensure that any potential changes in manufacturing or producing a product do not reduce the energy efficiency of the product for the end consumer. Homes, commercial buildings, and industrial plants can also receive the energy star designation through a rigorous evaluation and approval process. Many common appliances are available with an energy star designation and these can have a very useful impact for Park City property management operations.
Savings By Appliance
There are many appliances in a home that you can find energy star replacements for. All are designed to perform at the same level as regular appliances while providing significant energy savings. Here are a few of the major appliances along with energy savings and a brief description.
- Clothes Washers: certified clothes washers use 20% less energy and 35% less water. You not only save on your water bill but also through having to heat less water. If every clothes washer purchased in the US this year was an energy star appliance we would save 20 billion gallons of water and $250 million on our energy bills.
- Dishwasher: certified dishwasher use advanced technology to monitor how dirty dishes are during the cycle and make adjustments accordingly. This saves on the amount of water and electricity used while still making sure your dishes get clean!
- Refrigerators: while only 15% more efficient than current models that are not certified, energy star models are significantly more efficient than from 10 or more years ago. If you have an older fridge it may be time to look at saving.
- Other Items: water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, light fixtures, fans, televisions, computers, freezers, and dehumidifiers are just some of the appliances that you would find in many homes that are also energy star certified. If you are looking at replacing any of these items it is worth your time to look into energy star options.
Going Green
In a previous blog post I talked about the the benifits of green rentals. You can read that post, entitled "Green Rentals - Tips From Park City Property Management" by clicking here. Aside from the obvious monetary benifits green rentals will appeal to many potential tenants who value the environment and appreciate a responsible landlord. Use your energy star appliances in your marketing efforts both for the green aspect as well as cost savings for the tenant. You can also go to the EPAs website on energy star appliances by clicking here.
If you would like more information about Park City property management download our free white page "5 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask Themselves".