I don't want to start this post by tooting my own horn but my vacancy rates are really low. Over the last year I can't recall a single Park City long term rental that has sat vacant for more than a few weeks. Most of the properties I handle in Park City property management are rented again before the current tenant even moves out. So how can you keep your vacancy rates at optimum levels? Well I have a few tips that have worked well for me that I would like to share. I feel that any of these would be beneficial and taken together they will supercharge your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Know The Market Rent
This is one of the first and most obvious steps in keeping your vacancy low. If you are pricing yourself out of your market you will find yourself with a vacant property. Now I'm not suggesting that you price yourself below market just to stay occupied. You can do that if circumstances warrant but ideally you should be competitively priced to maximize your investment. Survey comparable units in the area and take an honest assessment of your property. Are there additional factors that would make your property more or less desirable in Park City property management?
Good Online Ads
The basic one sentence description of your Park City long term rentals really doesn't do much to entice new tenants. Consider beefing up the description by covering all the amenities your property has to offer. Highlight things that would be selling points for your property like a large kitchen or master bedroom. If your property is part of a homeowners association and there are amenities in the property you should list them. Use interesting or descriptive words and you will generate a lot more interest from online customers. Anything you can do to differentiate yourself from your competition in Salt Lake City property management is a good thing.
Sell The Property
When you meet prospective tenants for a tour don't just throw open the door, let the tenants wander about and then call it good. You should walk the prospects through the property, point out any unique selling points and give a little information about the place. There is no need to be a smarmy used car salesman, just highlight the positives. If there are any upgrades you have done point them out. The idea is to help the prospective tenants visualize themselves living there, anything to that end will help your Park City property management business.
Offer Incentives
This is a great way to get people interested in your property. Things like "$200 off first month's rent with immediate move in" not only speak to a value for a potential tenant but also create a sense of urgency, if they don't act now they could lose this place! There are other ways to incentivize a move in too so be creative. Maybe offer a new microwave or TV if that makes more sense for you. If it seems like I'm hammering this same point it is because it is important: look for ways to set yourself apart from your competition in a positive way.
Little things that stand out initially can have a big effect on potential tenants. Things like a beat up or scratched door, a dirty entryway or a poorly maintained front yard can set things off on the wrong foot immediately. Consider simple and easy ways to spruce up the presentation of your property.
Have A Website
There are simple ways to create a basic and professional looking website for your Park City property management operation. Considering the volume of searching that is done online for rental properties I think it pays to have yourself a digital storefront.
Be Responsive
Always return phone calls from prospective tenants in a timely manner. Tenants are the lifeblood of your business so do them a common courtesy by calling them back. Even if your properties are occupied it is a good business practice to return phone calls in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on reducing vacancy, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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For some the idea of being a landlord is pretty simple. You hang a "For Rent" sign up, a great tenant wanders in and takes the place, and you sit back and collect rent. If being a landlord were always this easy there would probably a lot more landlords and a lot less Park City property management companies. But unfortunately bad things happen to good properties, stuff breaks, and your perfect tenants aren't always so perfect. So let's take a look at some situations when having a property manager is better than being a landlord. These are common situations that anyone in Salt Lake City property management could face at any time.
The Friday at 5 Phone Call

I'm not sure if the gods (or demons depending on how bad things are) who rule over maintenance items cruelly wait until this witching hour to unleash problems but it has happened one too many times for me to discount anything at this point. So as a landlord, especially if you have more than one Park City long term rental, you should be prepared to receive this phone call. Sometimes tenants let things go until they become an emergency. And sometimes there are just plain emergencies. I have my own rental property that I manage and I can tell you from experience that there really isn't a convenient time for something in your rental property to go wrong. And if there is I can guarantee nothing will happen then! So if the idea of occasionally having your free time on those precious weekends interrupted is not very appealing then you should consider a Park City property management company. A good property manager has systems in place to respond to these types of requests. They can either fix the problem themselves, make a quick repair to last through the weekend until a more permanent one can be found, or have contacts with quality vendors that can respond in an afterhours situation.
It's Vacation Time!
Do you like to travel? Is there nothing more important to you than getting away with your family and leaving the cares of daily life behind? Well sadly problems with a rental property are not respecters of vacations! If your tenant has a noise issue with their neighbors they aren't going to care that you are lounging on a beach in Maui, they need your help now. Those rent checks aren't going to deposit themselves and if you need a pay or quit notice posted it won't happen unless you are there to do it. Sadly the compensation package for being a landlord does not include any paid time off. One of the biggest benefits to having a competent Park City property management company is the ability to do what you want with your time and not have to worry about your rental property being properly taken care of. I'm not saying problems are always going to occur when you are out of town, what I am saying is that with a property manager on your team you'll have one less thing to worry about when you are out of town.
If you would like more information on the benefits of having a property manager or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Recently I have experience a rash of plumbing-related problems in some of our Park City property management condominiums. For whatever reason when it rains it pours so I thought it might be beneficial for anyone with some Park City long term rentals to know what I've been running into and what steps I've had to take in solving these problems. My very first recommendation is to find yourself a good plumber. They are worth their weight in gold and I feel very fortunate to have one. They will deal honestly with you, charge you a fair price (remember they are in business for themselves too), and help you come up with solutions to tricky and sometimes not easily diagnosed problems. So let's take a look at some recent plumbing problems and solutions from bad to worst. Hopefully these will be helpful to anyone in Salt Lake City property management.

Anyone who has recently replaced a water heater may have noticed that the old pilot light and burner assembly has been replaced with what is referred to as a "sealed combustion chamber" design. I'm not a plumber, a lawyer and I don't work for the government so I have to take it on faith that this new design requirement is somehow better, safer, or more efficient than a traditional water heater. And ultimately my conjecture on the subject doesn't matter because sealed combustion chamber is your only choice. Unfortunately these units come with some inherent design flaws. First they have a ceramic filter that can become clogged with dust, pet dander, you name it. And fatally this filter cannot be removed. The only option is to clean it with compressed air and a vacuum. Depending on the conditions in your rental property this could be a few times a year. Symptoms of a clogged filter are a pilot light or burner that won't stay on. Because the combustion chamber is sealed there can also be problems with excessive heat ruining pilot assemblies which will cause the same problem. The part to replace has thus far been warrantied but the labor necessary to perform the work is not. To date my plumber and I have not found any alternatives to the periodic maintenance of the water heater. Unfortunately for Park City property management a new water heater can also mean more maintenance calls.
A condominium located within a home owners association that I manage has had a recent string of plumbing problems. The issues mostly consisted of the floor drain in the laundry room backing up and the property manager and owner were both convinced it was a building wide problem with the plumbing system. I being the manager of the association already knew that no one else in the building was having any problems but I was willing to have my plumber along with a drain camera operator investigate the problem. My plumber first pulled the trap off from under the sink and it was almost complete clogged with a nearly solid amount of grease. After clearing the immediately visible obstruction the camera operator started to feed his camera in and couldn't go more than a few feet before he ran into another serious grease blockage. He then tried his camera in the drain behind the washer and didn't get much further than the trap before finding more grease blockage. We then went a checked the condo next door in the same locations and found minimal buildup and clean-running drains. Needless to say it was definitely not a building-wide problem. I gave the property manager some enzyme drain cleaner, he instructed the tenants to stop putting grease down the drain, and I recommended water jetting the plumbing. For anyone in Park City property management grease down a drain is a big no.
In a property that I manager for winter season rentals there was a problem with water periodically backing up from the floor drain for the hot water heater. We would clear the line, things would be fine for a little while, and then it would back up again. Finally I ended up having my plumber pull the water heater, cut a hole in the wall and open up a pipe so we could stick a camera down it. We found that the drain pipe had a piece of rebar coming through one side of the pipe and out the other. My plumber eventually had to jack hammer up the bathroom floor, dig down and under the footings to where the rebar had pierced the pipe. He then cut the rebar, fixed the pipe, filled the hole back up and poured some new concrete. Fortunately he had seen this type of thing before, it pays to have a great plumber in Salt Lake City property management!
If you would like more information on solving plumbing problems, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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About a year and a half ago we received perhaps the most random phone call ever in Park City property management. The woman calling our office had noticed there was an injured duck on the other side of the road from our office. She thought the duck was still alive and that we should do something about it. Now to be clear neither I, nor anyone in our office, have ANY professional experience with injured animals. The road on which the injured duck was found is a public road and not part of the community where our office is located.
Essentially the woman who called wanted something done about the problem but wasn't willing to do anything herself. I agreed to take a look at the poor duck and see what, if anything could be done.
I walked out of my office and across the street. Sure enough there was a duck there. The poor guy was alive but obviously injured. He couldn't really move very well and was in need of some help. There were a few things I learned from handling this very strange situation and I think they can be applied to Salt Lake City property management.
Sometimes you are confronted with a problem that is either new to you or doesn't have a readily apparent solution. This is when the ability to troubleshoot comes in handy. In this case the poor duck was still alive but obviously in need to some attention. My first step was to get a cardboard box and an old towel and gently place the duck in the box and get him off the road. Then the process of figuring out what to do for the duck began. At some point in Park City property management you will come up against a problem or situation where you aren't going to know exactly what you should do or where you should turn. Being able to analyze or troubleshoot the situation and eliminate options that will not solve the problem are a crucial skill. I began first by calling the Division of Wildlife Resources along with doing some searching online. I eventually was lead to a woman who was registered with the state as a person who could care for small wildlife like this poor injured duck. She lived down in Draper so I set out with the duck riding shotgun in his little box in hopes of saving the little guy's life.
Doing Good Doesn't Always Pay
In the back of my mind as this situation developed a few thoughts were going through my mind. Obviously "How did I get into this?" was one thought I had but another equally prevalant thought was that sometimes doing good doesn't pay. Nobody was going to be reimbursing me for my time spent helping this duck. It wasn't a man hour that I could bill to a condominium association or property owner. I didn't create a service order and I didn't track any time or materials. I was simply doing what I thought was the right thing to do in that particular scenario. For Park City long term rentals in Park City property management you may be confronted with a situation that requires action on your part but may not necessarily be something you can bill for or directly recoup your time and effort. But if it is the right thing to do you should give it serious consideration and recognize the positive impact doing good can have on your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Unfortunately the duck passed away while I was stuck in traffic on the freeway. But the memory of this experience has stuck with me along with the things I learned. If you would like more information about Park City property management click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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A recent article I read has brought to light the need for anyone involved in Park City property management to be aware of discrimination testing and know some of common pitfalls that landlords and property manager can fall into when it comes to Park City long term rentals. Discrimination testing is performed by the Disability Law Center (DLC) which is a "private, non-profit organization designated by the governor as Utah’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency" and is set up to "enforce and strengthen laws that protect the opportunities, choices and legal rights of Utahns with disabilities."

The DLC conducts discrimination testing using two testers, a control tester who is not in a protected class and a second tester who is in a protected class. I have previously written about Fair Housing laws in my post "Fair Housing And Park City Property Management: Are You At Risk?" but briefly protected classes are race, religion, sex, color, national origin, age, citizenship, pregnancy, familial status, disability, and veteran. The two testers contact a property manager or landlord and inquire about housing. Problems occur when there is a difference in treatment between the control tester and the protected tester. Let's take a look at some of the common mistakes made in it comes to protected classes in Salt Lake City property management.
Service Animals
Asking for a pet deposit or pet rent for a service animal is illegal. A companion animal also falls into this category. If you have a person applying to live in your rental property and they have a service or companion animal you cannot charge pet rent or a pet deposit for this animal. The tenant is still responsible if the animal does any damage to the property but a deposit cannot be taken in advance. Once an animal is identified as a service or companion animal you can ask for proper documentation on the animal but the questions should stop there.
Disability Questions
You should never ask, in any way, what the nature of a person's disability is. The person is not obligated to tell you what their disability is and you are not allowed to ask. Even in casual conversation you can't ask this question in Park City property management.
Never ever ever tell a person that you do not have any availability when in fact you do. You should already have in place a procedure for reviewing whether a tenant is qualified to rent a property through your application process. If you don't already have something in place to property screen tenants you should take a look at my blog post "5 Ways Tenant Screening Helps - Park City Property Management." Just looking at a person and telling them you don't have anything available is a definite red flag.
If you are currently offering some type of move in incentive to get your property rented you had better make sure you offer the incentive to everyone who inquires. Discounts and the like can be very discriminatory when they are only offered to a select group of people.
If you would like more information on how to not discriminate when handling tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In my experience in Park City property management handling over 100 Park City long term rentals as well as a very large home owners association I have encountered many different types of people. I sometimes joke that there is never a dull moment when it comes to Salt Lake City property management. It seems as there is an inexhaustible supply of interesting people who have specific quirks that keep me and my staff on their toes. I have also found that in some ways many tenants will fit into a few categories when it comes to certain behaviors. I like to refer to this as the yin and yang of tenant behavior. Let's take a look at a few of these behaviors and how they keep life in property management Salt Lake City interesting.
Loud and Quiet
Obviously there are loud tenants, like a group of college kids who play Xbox until 4 am and throw loud parties on the weekend. And there are quiet tenants, like a retired couple who enjoy growing bonsai trees. But to me loud and quiet goes deeper than this.
It often seems like I hear from the same tenants regularly. It isn't necessarily about the same issue either. My experience has been that some people are just more vocal and interactive when it comes to the community where the live and in particular the landlord for their property. Some people are more willing to reach out to their landlord regarding the property while some people accept certain conditions, are reluctant to bother their landlord or are generally easier going when it comes to situations that can occur in multi-family housing. I've even had a tenant admit to me they didn't want to call our office because they thought we might raise the rent on them. In Park City property management there are tenants you hear and tenants you don't hear.
Fixers and Non-Fixers
I've had this happen more than a few times. A new tenant moves into a property and the volume of maintenance requests suddenly spikes. The previous tenant had been in there for years and never called for anything. But the new tenant seems to regularly have a laundry list of items that need repair. Generally speaking it isn't that the new tenant is being harder on the place, although this does happen. It is a classic example of a non-fixer replacing a fixer. If I could lump myself into a category it would be a fixer. I honestly like digging into something, finding the problem, making a repair and putting things back together. It's probably some primal urge passed down from my arrowhead-making forbearers or perhaps I just like to keep my man card valid. But when a non-fixer replaces a fixer get ready for some maintenance requests. I've had more than a few property owners utter "Why is the new tenant breaking everything?" This is when the find out about fixers and non-fixers. There is also a sub category of fixer that can be very problematic; the fixer who doesn't know what they are doing. These fixers end up cause more damage than they solve and plumbers, electricians and appliance repair companies in Park City property management love them!
Open and Closed
These tenants are somewhat related to quiet and loud tenants but have a particular twist. I often discover who is open or closed when it comes time for someone to enter the property. Some tenants may call up with a maintenance request and tell you that you can go in whenever it is convenient; their main concern is that the work is completed. Some tenants however want everything scheduled 24 hours in advance and demand that they be present during the work, not matter how small the job, how long they have lived in the community or how well the know the staff. In particular we find these people out when there are services being performed that require us to enter multiple properties at one time, things like annual fire sprinkler inspections or preventative maintenance. Then it quickly becomes clear who is open and who is closed. Know which type of tenant you have can make things a lot smoother in Salt Lake City property management.
If you would like more information on dealing with different tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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I my time at a Park City property management company managing Park City long term rentals I have learned a few things about maintaining a positive tenant relationship. It isn't always easy and in fact as a property manager you sometimes have to be the bad guy. Ultimately the relationship between a landlord and a tenant amounts to an agreement. A landlord agrees to rent a piece of real property to a tenant and provide them with certain services along with that property. A tenant agrees to pay for the use of that real property and abide by certain restrictions on that use. A tenant may also be obligated to perform certain acts in regards to the property such as mow the lawn, change light bulbs and keep the place clean.
Disagreements or problems in the tenant and landlord relationship typically arise when one party is failing to fulfill it's portion of the agreement. Maybe the tenant isn't mowing the lawn regularly or the landlord isn't responding to maintenance requests in a timely manner. Today I would like to discuss five tips that I have found will help establish and maintain good tenant relationships in Salt Lake City property management.
1. Setting Expectations - The best way to avoid disagreements or misunderstandings is to have a clear understanding between both parties of what the expectations are in the agreement. If there are certain rules that the tenant must abide by then these rules should be presented to the tenant prior to signing a lease. Often rental properties are part of a home owners association or planned community that requires residents to abide by certain rules or restrictions. A landlord should notify tenant of any rules, preferably as an addendum to a lease agreement. If there are specific maintenance responsibilities that are the landlord's responsibility then there should be established channels for a tenant to file a maintenance request should the need arise.
2. Be Professional - You should always treat every tenant or potential tenant in a professional manner. Even if your rental property is your former home sentimentality should not rule the decisions you make for the property. Be aware to how you should comport yourself when it comes to things like fair housing laws, disabilities and service animals. Never respond emotionally or unprofessionally to a tenant. Even if you've had a horrible day and the last thing you want to hear is a maintenance request from your tenant it is not your place to be rude or dismissive. Park City property management has no room for unprofessionalism.
3. Properly Screen Tenants - This step is crucial to avoiding problems down the road. Just because a person seems nice on the phone or in person and is willing to move in right away does not mean they are a good fit for you or your property. Take the time to check references and rental history. Verify employment and run a good background and credit check. This property is your investment so make sure you complete your due diligence with every tenant.
4. Respond Quickly To Requests - When you receive a maintenance request from your tenant you should respond as quickly as you can. Also be aware that certain items may constitute a habitability issue and you are required by law to begin making repairs within a specified amount of time. Even if the item seems trivial it should be important to you. Taking on a request quickly and professionally will go a long way in Salt Lake City property management.
5. Know When To Say No - There comes a time when even the best tenants ask for something that is not possible or out of the scope of the rental agreement. The best way to handle these situations is to be up front with the tenant that their request is not possible and give them some explanation as to why. People appreciate being treated like thier concern matters, even if it can't be resolved.
If you would like more information on creating good tenant relationships, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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As a landlord in Park City property management you have probably been faced with a decision to replace any number of components in your Park City long term rentals. Perhaps your faucet has broken beyond repair, the carpet is looking pretty shabby and starting to tear, or the walls have so many touchup spots they are starting to look like a collage. At times like these you are going to be making a decision on replacing one item with another. Should you find the cheapest faucet at Home Depot and throw it in? Or maybe buy a unit that will work better, last longer, and give your kitchen a little more appeal. And you've probably seen billboards that say "Carpet 3 rooms for $499!" When it comes to carpet however cheapest definitely does not equal best. Here are a couple of compelling reasons why upgrades make sense for Salt Lake City property management.
Higher Rent

You might be a master at jury rigging a shower head but if you are trying to maximize your rent then you should consider the appeal of newer or upgraded things like fixtures. Of course you don't need to put gold plated faucets in your mobile home rental, your goal should be something that is a step up from comparable rentals in the area. Even more expensive items like carpet or appliances can pay for themselves. If you are able to get an extra $25 a month after spending $1000 on a better carpet then what was previously in your rental this pays for itself in about 3 and a half years. When it comes time to replace items in your Park City long term rentals it pays both in the presentation and in the month rents to put in something better than what you took out. If all the rentals in your area, particularly if you rent a property in a large condominium community, have fairly basic appliances, fixtures, carpet, etc. and you choose to make a reasonable upgrade to these components you will find your property will stand out from the crowd and you can increase your rents. Set rents can be somewhat of an art so it may not translate directly into more dollars. Take a look at my post "4 Tips On Market Rent - Park City Property Management" for more help on establishing a rental rate.
Lower Vacancy
Nothing kills your cash flow on a property quicker than vacancy. As a landlord you want to attract and keep great tenants, they are the life blood of your Salt Lake City property management operation. Maybe you decide to replace your kitchen appliances. Rather than buying used or bargain basement items you get a nice matching set that is an improvement over what you previously had. This might cost you around $1200 but if your property rents for $1200 and new appliances help you avoid a month of vacancy they have already paid for themselves. If your dishwasher goes out and you want to keep your current tenants happy try putting in a nicer unit than the one they were used to. This goes a long way towards good tenant relationships and they will be more likely to stay. Now obviously you don't need to put in a high-end Wolf range in a war zone so choose your upgrades to be slightly above the norm for a given area.
Quality Tenants
The best thing you can have in Park City property management is quality tenants. They maintain your property, pay on time, don't create problems in the community, and generally are great to work with. If shelling out a few extra dollars for nicer items helps you attract quality tenants then it is definitely worth it. Tenants who realize you are a property owner who takes care of their property, and not a slum lord trying to squeeze every dime out of a shanty, they will take care of your property as well.
If you would like more information on upgrading a rental, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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We live in an increasingly digital world. I myself have found many instances where I would rather search online and purchase an item than deal with the hassle of driving to a few different stores trying to find what I want. Especially if you can find the holy grail of online shopping; free shipping! Park City property management is no different. Many residents living in Park City long term rentals are busy people who are very interested in convenient methods of online payment. There are now many options available to landlords that will help increase the frequency of online payments for property management in Salt Lake City.
Landlord Benefits
Imagine never having to deposit a check at the bank again! Imagine never having to track down your tenant after a bounced check! And then imagine that the rent payment is already automatically posted every month and you don't have to do anything. Brilliant!
For those reasons alone it makes sense for a landlord in Park City property management to get with the times and offer multiple online payment options. There are many avenues to choose from when it comes to online payment. Organizations like the Utah Apartment Association offer online payment applications to members. With our company we have established an online payment portal that is linked to our website. Residents can easily navigate to a login page, and with basic information set up payment via credit or debit card as well as with a routing number and checking account. No more running to the bank to cash checks or worrying about checks bouncing!
Tenant Benefits
No longer will you have to worry about writing a check and putting it in the mail early enough to reach your landlord on time. Or if you've been paying with money order you can cut out the annoying trips to the grocery store to put down some cash and get a money order. I've seen more than a few instances of checks either never arriving in the mail or being sent to the wrong address. Our mail delivery system is far from fool proof and if you can avoid possible problems you should do so. With handy online payment methods you may never leave your
house again! Online payment methods are very simple to set up, usually requiring a name and email address only. They are secure sites where your bank account information is not accessible by anyone but yourself. You can set up automatic payments so you don't have to worry if you are out of town or just a busy person. For me personally this is a big one. I hated having to remember each month to make payments to things like my cell phone or car insurance. And when you miss a payment there are fees, dings on your credit, or even loss of service. Why bother with any of that when you can set up automatic payments and get on with enjoying the rest of your life! It just makes sense for tenants in Park City long term rentals.
If you are either a landlord or a tenant in property management in Salt Lake City I would urger you to take a look at online payment. Time is money and if you can cut down on the time you spend doing unnecessary tasks you can focus on the things that will better your life, financially or otherwise. If you would like more information on multiple payment options, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In a society where farmers markets and buying local increasingly draw both our interest and our dollars community involvement is another movement towards creating solutions to community problems on a community level. It is about the members of a community proactively joining together to accomplish a project that betters the community itself. As someone who is involved in Park City property management I have a unique insight into the ways in which community involvement can positively benefit a community. Perhaps you are only a landlord who has some Park City long term rentals. Or maybe you live in a homeowner association in Park City, Utah. Either way community involvement can be a great avenue for improving your local area. Let's take a look at some of the facets of a society that can be positively affected by an involved group of people.

Community Relations

There is something about bringing people together to accomplish a project that can break down barriers and create a greater sense of friendship and understanding between people. A few years ago we had a significant amount of snowfall in the mountains and a very wet spring. As the snowpack begin to melt the creeks running out of the mountains and into the Salt Lake Valley began to swell with runoff. One of the creeks runs close by my home and through the middle of a condominium community. As water began to seep through the banks and flow out of drainage pipes it became apparent that a lot of sandbagging was in order. Now many homes in the area were not threatened. And neither were any of the condos that weren't facing the creek and on the ground level. But the community joined together in helping those in need. Over the course of a few days there were a lot of late night sandbag moving and stacking and eventually people's homes were okay. And through this coming together to achieve a common goal a strong sense of community was developed, relationships were strengthened and friendships created.
Property Values
Strong communities are desirable places to live, this has been proven time and time again in real estate. When people value the community they live in they will work towards maintaining both their property and the community themselves. Curb appeal, both of a community and an individual property, is an important part of real estate investing. Even if you don't have Park City long term rentals in the most expensive part of town you can still be an involved property owner and make sure the community is maintained and beautified. If I could encourage one type of behavior from a landlord working in Park City property management it would be to become knowledgeable and involved in the community where their investment property is located. You will see not only the property value increase but also the amount of rent you are able to charge go up and the quality of tenants interested in your property will improve.
If you would like more information on community involvement, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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