We all procrastinate in one way or another. Sometimes we are faced with a task that, by its very nature, we are disinclined to accomplish it. This happens in Park City property management and it has happened to me. So here is a chance for others to relate and perhaps make a change when it comes to procrastinating.
The Quarterly Report
I came into my current position with CC Realty in August of 2010. I had previously worked for a larger Park City property management company and was excited to take on a new roll. There was a lot to learn and a lot of problems what needed to be addressed in this company. I had no training from a former general manager and was basically thrown into the deep end of the pool. Shortly after I started a quarterly report from our payroll processing company arrived in the mail. I glanced at the report and realized it was a copy of the original that the processing company had filed on our behalf with the government. I figured my copy probably needed to be filed somewhere but I didn't take the time to figure that out and just tossed it in a drawer in my desk. Fast forward to 2013 and on day with a little down time I decided to clean out my desk. And low and behold there was a quarterly payroll report from 2010 at the bottom! I had since learned where those reports needed to be filed and passed it along to the accountant. We both had a good laugh about the situation and fortunately there was no harm done by my procrastinating ways. But it got me thinking how procrastinating in Park City property management can really put you in a bind.
Procrastinating Hurts
Maybe it is the nagging maintenance request that you are procrastinating. Something that isn't serious enough to demand an immediate response but troublesome enough that you dread taking care of it. Often it is these small, frustrating tasks that keep us from actually completing the job. Or perhaps you have to inform your tenants of some complaint about their behavior and you are dreading being the bad guy. It can be difficult telling a person they have to change their behavior or face further punishment, being the bad guy isn't easy. Or maybe your tenant is difficult to deal with in general and you avoid having the contact them for anything. They might start into a laundry list of problems with the Park City long term rental, or they launch into how awful the neighbors are. So what do you find yourself dreading to complete? Is there some task that you keep coming back to, some unfinished piece of business that you just don't feel like doing? Don't be afraid to jump in with your examples of procrastination, we've all been there. Hopefully, like my example of the quarterly report, it isn't something that has serious repercussions in your Park City property management operation. Anything that could lead to damage to your property or affect the health and safety of your tenants should be dealt with immediately.
If you would like more information tips on being a landlord, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Let me share with you a story of how renter's insurance is the right decision for Park City property management. It all started with a small cooking fire in the kitchen of a second floor condominium. Fortunately no one was hurt but this incident caused a chain reaction of problems for both the tenant and the landlord. I would like to lay out the incident and highlight a few of the ways renter's insurance could protect both the tenant and the landlord.
The Incident

It started as a small cooking fire in the kitchen. A meal on the stove top caught fire and did some damage to the stove. This particular condominium is in a community that has a fire suppression system in each building and this fire was enough to cause the sprinkler in the kitchen to go off and put out the fire. These types of system however do not measure or know when a fire is put out and so the sprinkler continued to spray until a maintenance person and the fire department responded and were able to shut off the water to the system. By this point there was significant water damage to both the condo the fire was located in and the condo directly below. The poor people downstairs had just finished installing a new wood floor that was almost completely ruined by the water. The worst part of this situation however was the fact that the tenant did not have insurance.
The Aftermath
Both the tenant and the people living in the condo below were displaced from their homes for a few weeks while repairs took place. Since the tenant did not have renter's insurance they were forced to pay for a place to stay while the condo was being fixed. The landlord ended up being responsible for all of the damage to both properties since it was caused by his tenants and they were not insured. The upgraded flooring in both units was a complete loss, there was a significant amount of sheetrock and paint damage along with the stove, cabinets and other items. The cost of repair of all the items was so significant that the landlord eventually lost the property to the bank and the tenant had to move. When you look back and the thousands of dollars spent in this instance the small amount you would pay per month for renter's insurance seems insignificant in comparison. Renter's insurance can also offer personal property protection for tenants and some type of housing money should there be a loss. It definitely makes sense for Park City property management.
What You Can Do
The first step is to make sure your tenants have some type of renter's insurance. Request a copy of the policy and if they can't produce one ask them to get it. Another option is to hire a competent Park City property management company. We have a blanket policy that covers renters at no cost to the home owner. The tenant is free to get their own policy or use ours and the property owners are all protected.
If you would like more information on renter's insurance, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
In order to be successful in Park City property management you need to attract and place quality tenants into your Park City long term rentals. Finding the right tenant can keep you clear of a host of problems, from property damage and nuisance complaints to criminal behavior and evictions. Doing the leg work up front will go a long way towards ensuring you have good tenants who will take care of your property. One thing you can do to help ensure your investment property is well taken care of is to hire a Park City property management company. If you would like some more information take a look at my post "The Value of a Park City Property Management Company" or give us a call to talk about our services. But right now let's dive into some tenant screening tips that will help you filter out problem tenants.

You should have an application that requires prospective tenants to submit verifiable information about their rental and work history as well as a Social Security number and date of birth. The application I use also asks for bank account information which can be useful in the event of a collection. The application asks directly if the person has been arrested, filed bankruptcy or had an eviction order filed against them.
- Run A Criminal Background And Credit Check
Use the information you obtained on the application to run a credit and criminal background check. This will help you in several areas. It will allow you to verify whether there is any criminal history, give an indication of how likely a person is to pay their bills, and it can protect you against fraudulent use of a Social Security number. While all of these steps are important this one is a must for Park City property management. Charge to the potential tenant a small fee to process an application and you can cover the cost of running a background check.
Call previous landlords and current employers. Past performance is an accurate predictor of future performance. One of the best questions you can ask a previous landlord, besides "Why are they moving" is "Would you rent to them again?" If the answer is no you should ask for some more explanation. This shouldn't necessarily disqualify a person but you want to make an educated decision. In checking references I have run across prospective tenants that were not recommended by their current landlord. And based on the results of these conversations I have rented to some of them.
- Apply The Same Process To Every Prospect
Using the same process each time provides a few benefits for Park City property management. First it can keep you from running afoul of Fair Housing laws. If a person who fits into a protected class is treated differently than everyone else you are discriminating and this can be a costly mistake. Another benefit is repeatable results. If every tenant who applies is treated differently then you will have inconsistent results in your screening.
If you would like more information on how to screen tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Working in Park City property management I get a front row seat to watch the change of seasons. I have always felt very connected to nature and the rhythms of the seasons. I truly enjoy seeing the slow change from summer to fall to spring and back to summer. I appreciate the beauty and unique features of each season and I enjoy the various activities that become available with the turn of each month. When you feel that first chill in the air and the smell and dried leaves you know that fall has arrived. And while winter may still be a little ways away it is time to start thinking about what you need to do to winterize your Park City long term rentals. Let's take a look at some of the basics that will get your properties ready for winter.
Heating And Cooling Systems
In my experience HVAC companies are really busy at two different times during the year: the first hot week of summer and the first cold week of fall. The reason for this is that people wait until it gets hot to turn on their air conditioning or cold to turn on their heater. Rather than wait until it is needed you should fire up your heater before it gets cold. This is a great time to do a visual inspection of the unit, replace the air filter and even do some vacuuming around the flame sensors to make sure everything is clean and running smoothly. If you find the unit won't turn on these flame sensors are the first thing to check. Push the small button on each sensor to make sure they are reset and save you having to call an HVAC company. If you have a hydronic system with pumps and a heat exchanger you should make sure there is no air in the lines and the pumps are functioning properly. Heating systems work hard during the cold winter months and the last thing you want in Park City property management is a tenant without heat when the temperature gets below freezing. If there is a window mounted air conditioning unit or swamp cooler it is time to shut them down and clean them up. Any water lines running to these units should be drained and disconnected.
Make sure that any external hose bibs have been disconnected from any hoses. My plumber likes to joke that hose bibs that haven't been disconnected are what keeps him in business. I've heard too many stories of people not doing this and either getting a leak in the winter or finding a problem in the spring. If you have any plumbing lines that are not in a heated area make sure they are properly insulated. If the property will be vacant of any amount of time in the winter make sure the gas or the thermostat doesn't get turned off and or too low. If there are sprinkler lines in your Park City long term rentals make sure the main valve is turned off and have them blown out if possible. A little preventative work in the fall can save a lot of problems, headaches and money come spring time in Park City property management.
Additional Items
If you rent a home make sure the leaves get cleaned up. Check all the rain gutters to make sure they are clear of leaves and dirt as well. If you have heat tape on your roof or gutters make sure it is turned on and functioning properly. Any trees on the property should be cut back from the home to protect against damage from wind or snow loads. These simple steps will help protect your Park City property management investment.
If you would like more information on the winterization, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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Here are a few helpful tips I've compiled for when a tenant moves in that are great for Park City property management. The ultimate goal of a tenant move in is to make it as painless as possible while educating the tenant on the property and setting expectations. You also want to make sure there is an agreement on the condition of the property so you are less likely to have any disagreements or problems when the tenant moves out. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just a few crucial things that I have found to be of great benefit to anyone in Salt Lake City property management.
House or Community Rules
If your Park City long term rentals are part of a condominium community you should have a copy of the community rules and this should be your starting point. Your lease should include mention of house or community rules and the violation of those rules should be considered a violation of the lease. Set clear expectations with your tenants that those rules are meant to be followed and they are expected to do so. There may even be instances where the community rules are not enough for your particular rental property. For example the community rules could allow residents to have a dog or cat but you as the property owner are not willing to allow that. Make sure you have specific house rules as well if they differ or go beyond the community rules.
Checklist and Walkthrough
Providing a checklist to the tenants that can be used to make note of any conditions present in the condo, already existing damage, or items that need to be repaired is a crucial thing for Park City property management. I typically give the move in form to the tenants and allow them a few days to fill it out before turning it in. It is often difficult for a person to notice everything about a property by performing a brief walkthrough. In my opinion a walkthrough is great for noting the general condition of a property but a checklist or move in form is ideal for a more through reporting of the condition of the property. Another key feature to have on a move in form is prices for replacement or cleaning of common items. This way the tenant is aware they may be charged a specific amount for certain items should the not take care of them upon move out.
Copy of The Lease
Perhaps this is a no-brainer but you should always give a copy of the lease to the tenant. Not only is the tenant going to want to know what they just signed (if they haven't read it already) but they may actually need the lease for certain things. Perhaps they need to provide proof of residency for things like a new driver's license, setting up utilities or getting the mail forwarded. It can also help reduce the number of questions a tenant has as they can easily refer back to the document. I have also put together some information about lease end that can be of value too. Click on "Park City Property Management - 3 Key Time Periods For Lease End" for more information.
If you would like more information on the tenant move in process, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In Park City property management you will inevitably be confronted with a choice that may not be entirely clear to you. Perhaps you have two tenants who are both interested in your Park City long term rentals. Or maybe there has been an unexpected maintenance item pop up and you have a couple of options for repair. Sometimes in these situations the quick and easy solution also happens to be the right solution. But sometimes the easy way around the problem is not the right way at all. I'd like to share a few instances where doing the right thing first would have saved a lot of time, energy, money and more for the individuals in each situation. As a landlord in Salt Lake City property management you may not have the most flexible schedule or the most time available and when confronted with a choice it is very appealing to take the easy route every time. Let's see how cutting corners can lead to greater problems.

I recently had a tenant provide 30 day notice and we placed the unit on the market. Unfortunately the tenant was a fairly messy person so the place did not show well. My assistant toured the property with a gentleman and he amazingly agreed to rent it despite the condition it was currently in. He was under a time constraint and wanted to move in quickly so I told him we could get the place cleaned and ready in a few days. He said he understood and would be fine with that. When the guy moved in though his tune had drastically changed. Nothing in the condo was acceptable, he wanted it completely re-carpeted and re-painted and he wanted it done yesterday. He was already talking about us paying for a hotel room for him to stay in while the work was done along with refunding this rent for the time he was not living there. FACEPALM! Now I could have tried to work with this guy, make things right and keep him in. But my gut was telling me he would be nothing but problems going forward and it would be better to cut my losses. I politely told him that we simply wouldn't be able to make the repairs within the time frame he required and that I would refund all of his money. He agreed and we thankfully parted ways. We were able to spend a little more time getting the property ready, including replacing the carpet, and found a wonderful tenant who is perfect for the place. Doing the right thing first is the way to go in Park City property management.
At a Park City condominium association I manage a property owner came in and asked for some help with his water heater. The unit had gone out and would need to be replaced. Fortunately we have an excellent plumber who charges a very fair rate and does amazing work. My assistant gladly gave him a quote on the work and he lost it. These particular properties have a complex hydronic heating system so a regular water heater won't fit the bill. This gentleman claimed that "I'm an engineer and your plumber is ripping people off!" and told us he would do it himself. I'm not aware of exactly what he did but I am aware of the results. His neighbor informed us one morning that the paramedics had been called to his condo and that he had nearly died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Now how foolish does it seem when you try to save a few bucks and end up nearly killing yourself! If you are going to do something in Park City property management you should do it right the first time.
If you would like more information on doing things right the first time, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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I don't want to start this post by tooting my own horn but my vacancy rates are really low. Over the last year I can't recall a single Park City long term rental that has sat vacant for more than a few weeks. Most of the properties I handle in Park City property management are rented again before the current tenant even moves out. So how can you keep your vacancy rates at optimum levels? Well I have a few tips that have worked well for me that I would like to share. I feel that any of these would be beneficial and taken together they will supercharge your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Know The Market Rent
This is one of the first and most obvious steps in keeping your vacancy low. If you are pricing yourself out of your market you will find yourself with a vacant property. Now I'm not suggesting that you price yourself below market just to stay occupied. You can do that if circumstances warrant but ideally you should be competitively priced to maximize your investment. Survey comparable units in the area and take an honest assessment of your property. Are there additional factors that would make your property more or less desirable in Park City property management?
Good Online Ads
The basic one sentence description of your Park City long term rentals really doesn't do much to entice new tenants. Consider beefing up the description by covering all the amenities your property has to offer. Highlight things that would be selling points for your property like a large kitchen or master bedroom. If your property is part of a homeowners association and there are amenities in the property you should list them. Use interesting or descriptive words and you will generate a lot more interest from online customers. Anything you can do to differentiate yourself from your competition in Salt Lake City property management is a good thing.
Sell The Property
When you meet prospective tenants for a tour don't just throw open the door, let the tenants wander about and then call it good. You should walk the prospects through the property, point out any unique selling points and give a little information about the place. There is no need to be a smarmy used car salesman, just highlight the positives. If there are any upgrades you have done point them out. The idea is to help the prospective tenants visualize themselves living there, anything to that end will help your Park City property management business.
Offer Incentives
This is a great way to get people interested in your property. Things like "$200 off first month's rent with immediate move in" not only speak to a value for a potential tenant but also create a sense of urgency, if they don't act now they could lose this place! There are other ways to incentivize a move in too so be creative. Maybe offer a new microwave or TV if that makes more sense for you. If it seems like I'm hammering this same point it is because it is important: look for ways to set yourself apart from your competition in a positive way.
Little things that stand out initially can have a big effect on potential tenants. Things like a beat up or scratched door, a dirty entryway or a poorly maintained front yard can set things off on the wrong foot immediately. Consider simple and easy ways to spruce up the presentation of your property.
Have A Website
There are simple ways to create a basic and professional looking website for your Park City property management operation. Considering the volume of searching that is done online for rental properties I think it pays to have yourself a digital storefront.
Be Responsive
Always return phone calls from prospective tenants in a timely manner. Tenants are the lifeblood of your business so do them a common courtesy by calling them back. Even if your properties are occupied it is a good business practice to return phone calls in Park City property management.
If you would like more information on reducing vacancy, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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For some the idea of being a landlord is pretty simple. You hang a "For Rent" sign up, a great tenant wanders in and takes the place, and you sit back and collect rent. If being a landlord were always this easy there would probably a lot more landlords and a lot less Park City property management companies. But unfortunately bad things happen to good properties, stuff breaks, and your perfect tenants aren't always so perfect. So let's take a look at some situations when having a property manager is better than being a landlord. These are common situations that anyone in Salt Lake City property management could face at any time.
The Friday at 5 Phone Call

I'm not sure if the gods (or demons depending on how bad things are) who rule over maintenance items cruelly wait until this witching hour to unleash problems but it has happened one too many times for me to discount anything at this point. So as a landlord, especially if you have more than one Park City long term rental, you should be prepared to receive this phone call. Sometimes tenants let things go until they become an emergency. And sometimes there are just plain emergencies. I have my own rental property that I manage and I can tell you from experience that there really isn't a convenient time for something in your rental property to go wrong. And if there is I can guarantee nothing will happen then! So if the idea of occasionally having your free time on those precious weekends interrupted is not very appealing then you should consider a Park City property management company. A good property manager has systems in place to respond to these types of requests. They can either fix the problem themselves, make a quick repair to last through the weekend until a more permanent one can be found, or have contacts with quality vendors that can respond in an afterhours situation.
It's Vacation Time!
Do you like to travel? Is there nothing more important to you than getting away with your family and leaving the cares of daily life behind? Well sadly problems with a rental property are not respecters of vacations! If your tenant has a noise issue with their neighbors they aren't going to care that you are lounging on a beach in Maui, they need your help now. Those rent checks aren't going to deposit themselves and if you need a pay or quit notice posted it won't happen unless you are there to do it. Sadly the compensation package for being a landlord does not include any paid time off. One of the biggest benefits to having a competent Park City property management company is the ability to do what you want with your time and not have to worry about your rental property being properly taken care of. I'm not saying problems are always going to occur when you are out of town, what I am saying is that with a property manager on your team you'll have one less thing to worry about when you are out of town.
If you would like more information on the benefits of having a property manager or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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About a year and a half ago we received perhaps the most random phone call ever in Park City property management. The woman calling our office had noticed there was an injured duck on the other side of the road from our office. She thought the duck was still alive and that we should do something about it. Now to be clear neither I, nor anyone in our office, have ANY professional experience with injured animals. The road on which the injured duck was found is a public road and not part of the community where our office is located.
Essentially the woman who called wanted something done about the problem but wasn't willing to do anything herself. I agreed to take a look at the poor duck and see what, if anything could be done.
I walked out of my office and across the street. Sure enough there was a duck there. The poor guy was alive but obviously injured. He couldn't really move very well and was in need of some help. There were a few things I learned from handling this very strange situation and I think they can be applied to Salt Lake City property management.
Sometimes you are confronted with a problem that is either new to you or doesn't have a readily apparent solution. This is when the ability to troubleshoot comes in handy. In this case the poor duck was still alive but obviously in need to some attention. My first step was to get a cardboard box and an old towel and gently place the duck in the box and get him off the road. Then the process of figuring out what to do for the duck began. At some point in Park City property management you will come up against a problem or situation where you aren't going to know exactly what you should do or where you should turn. Being able to analyze or troubleshoot the situation and eliminate options that will not solve the problem are a crucial skill. I began first by calling the Division of Wildlife Resources along with doing some searching online. I eventually was lead to a woman who was registered with the state as a person who could care for small wildlife like this poor injured duck. She lived down in Draper so I set out with the duck riding shotgun in his little box in hopes of saving the little guy's life.
Doing Good Doesn't Always Pay
In the back of my mind as this situation developed a few thoughts were going through my mind. Obviously "How did I get into this?" was one thought I had but another equally prevalant thought was that sometimes doing good doesn't pay. Nobody was going to be reimbursing me for my time spent helping this duck. It wasn't a man hour that I could bill to a condominium association or property owner. I didn't create a service order and I didn't track any time or materials. I was simply doing what I thought was the right thing to do in that particular scenario. For Park City long term rentals in Park City property management you may be confronted with a situation that requires action on your part but may not necessarily be something you can bill for or directly recoup your time and effort. But if it is the right thing to do you should give it serious consideration and recognize the positive impact doing good can have on your Salt Lake City property management operation.
Unfortunately the duck passed away while I was stuck in traffic on the freeway. But the memory of this experience has stuck with me along with the things I learned. If you would like more information about Park City property management click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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In my experience in Park City property management handling over 100 Park City long term rentals as well as a very large home owners association I have encountered many different types of people. I sometimes joke that there is never a dull moment when it comes to Salt Lake City property management. It seems as there is an inexhaustible supply of interesting people who have specific quirks that keep me and my staff on their toes. I have also found that in some ways many tenants will fit into a few categories when it comes to certain behaviors. I like to refer to this as the yin and yang of tenant behavior. Let's take a look at a few of these behaviors and how they keep life in property management Salt Lake City interesting.
Loud and Quiet
Obviously there are loud tenants, like a group of college kids who play Xbox until 4 am and throw loud parties on the weekend. And there are quiet tenants, like a retired couple who enjoy growing bonsai trees. But to me loud and quiet goes deeper than this.
It often seems like I hear from the same tenants regularly. It isn't necessarily about the same issue either. My experience has been that some people are just more vocal and interactive when it comes to the community where the live and in particular the landlord for their property. Some people are more willing to reach out to their landlord regarding the property while some people accept certain conditions, are reluctant to bother their landlord or are generally easier going when it comes to situations that can occur in multi-family housing. I've even had a tenant admit to me they didn't want to call our office because they thought we might raise the rent on them. In Park City property management there are tenants you hear and tenants you don't hear.
Fixers and Non-Fixers
I've had this happen more than a few times. A new tenant moves into a property and the volume of maintenance requests suddenly spikes. The previous tenant had been in there for years and never called for anything. But the new tenant seems to regularly have a laundry list of items that need repair. Generally speaking it isn't that the new tenant is being harder on the place, although this does happen. It is a classic example of a non-fixer replacing a fixer. If I could lump myself into a category it would be a fixer. I honestly like digging into something, finding the problem, making a repair and putting things back together. It's probably some primal urge passed down from my arrowhead-making forbearers or perhaps I just like to keep my man card valid. But when a non-fixer replaces a fixer get ready for some maintenance requests. I've had more than a few property owners utter "Why is the new tenant breaking everything?" This is when the find out about fixers and non-fixers. There is also a sub category of fixer that can be very problematic; the fixer who doesn't know what they are doing. These fixers end up cause more damage than they solve and plumbers, electricians and appliance repair companies in Park City property management love them!
Open and Closed
These tenants are somewhat related to quiet and loud tenants but have a particular twist. I often discover who is open or closed when it comes time for someone to enter the property. Some tenants may call up with a maintenance request and tell you that you can go in whenever it is convenient; their main concern is that the work is completed. Some tenants however want everything scheduled 24 hours in advance and demand that they be present during the work, not matter how small the job, how long they have lived in the community or how well the know the staff. In particular we find these people out when there are services being performed that require us to enter multiple properties at one time, things like annual fire sprinkler inspections or preventative maintenance. Then it quickly becomes clear who is open and who is closed. Know which type of tenant you have can make things a lot smoother in Salt Lake City property management.
If you would like more information on dealing with different tenants, or further information about Park City property management in general click the link below for a free consultation. You will receive valuable information specific to your property that will help you make an informed decision. You will also receive a free, no-obligation quote on our property management services. At CC Realty we specialize in making investment property ownership a trouble free experience. Please contact us today for your free consultation.
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